D2 coilovers Height adjustment.

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D2 coilovers Height adjustment.

Post by MX_Sid »

Hey all,

I just found a set ov D2 coilovers in the junkyard. My condolences to the owner ov the gold mx3 in VA beach. Anyways, I have never owned coilovers so I have a couple questions.

First: What is the tallest I can make them? I plan to raise the vehicle to get on the tow dolly 8) Then lower it for track days. Maybe, have the pillow ball mount notched/marked so I can adjust the camber myself, when switching back and forth.?

I'm not looking for the Height or wheel gap. I want to know how far can I safely twist the lower piece? Until it's flush with the bottom? 50% past? 75% past? :lol:

Second: The adjustment tool wasn't in the car, so should I just tap the adjustment collar loose with a punch/chisel/screwdriver? And would it be easier to adjust them while they are mounted or out ov the vehicle?

Third: How low can they go? looks like they adjust pretty far, depending how far you can unscrew the lower piece. Can you accidentally make it too low?

Thanks! I don't want to put them on until I drop the new motor in. No point killing my brand new tires while I'm waiting on an alignment. One project at a time.... :crying:
I HATE mechanic shops and LOVE junkyards!!
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