I'll be using this for reference.
Step #22
For the "optional" component... Do I install the circuit for the IAC Stepper motor? I don't know if my BP05 uses one or not. Which relates to step #62 I skipped the PWM Idle valve component. I'd swear I don't need that.
Step #50 I installed The Hall/Optical input circuit (#50.a) I did not install the "Coil negative terminal/points" (#50.b). I did not install the jumper to select between them. I also skipped step #51 since it implied that if I was using a Hall circuit I didn't need that.
Step #65 I didn't know which option to choose. I believe I'm using the "Direct Coil Control" and should install the high current ignition driver? And run the steps on this page? http://www.megamanual.com/ms2/vb921.htm
I thought the MS2-extra board was a completely different set of hardware, but from what I've read it's an upgraded build of the base. Since I want to be able to use dual fuel maps, I believe I'd need to build it as a MS2-extra? As far as I can tell in the MS2-Extra conversion manual, I just need to run a wire from "S12c to JS9". That and install the firmware for it...
But then again if I can run switchable fuel tables from the plain MS2, I guess this is moot. Can I?
The setup for putting a hardware switched input for "Table switching" says to build a circuit and install it on the underside of the board. I assume I can build this in the "proto" section and run leads to the points. I'm a bit confused by the setup though. http://www.msextra.com/doc/ms2extra/MS2 ... ableswitch
I'll be setting up a CP account shortly and seeing if I can get Lex to help me. He'll be all "Stupid noob" and I'll be lost