[FS] corksport side sirts & msd blaster 2

General Mazda MX-3 Discussions
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[FS] corksport side sirts & msd blaster 2

Post by jbud1291 »

Whats going on everybody. Havent been on a LOOONNNNGGG time. Was going through the garage and completely forget I had these laying around. I know this isn't the right section to be posting but it would not let me post in the For Sale section. I have set prices on craigslist but for you guys ill give a deal so shoot me an offer. Just want them gone. Would rather do local pick up as i work a lot and don't have much time on my hands to ship but ill do what i can. Thanks

I don't know if this is allowed but here is my email: jbud1230@gmail.com

And the craigslist links: http://southjersey.craigslist.org/pts/5030216595.html
93 GS SE - Raspberry metallic. K8 - 2 1/4in exhaust w/Magnaflow street series muffler, Custom intake, Kyb Gr2's w/Apex springs, Full kenwood audio - SOLD
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