In this wright up I will explain how to switch your 94 and up b6de "all in one" distributor for the more common and cheaper version which has an external coil and ignition module.
OK, for starters you will need to either go to your nearest auto parts store or friendly neighborhood junkyard and get ALL of the following items:
-any distributor off any model Mazda/ford with either a 1.5L,1.6L,1.8L,1.9L (i.e. ford escort, mercury tracer, Mazda 323/protege) as long as the distributor has a 4 wire lead going into the distributor and four plug wires coming out
-an ignition module off any of the same vehicles (this part is located on the fuse block plate right under the ignition coil, take the bolts with it)
-an radio interference capacitor/R.I.C. off same vehicle (this is right above the ignition module and is sandwiched between the fuse block bracket and the coil)
-an ignition coil off any of the same vehicles (located next to the fuse block..hard to miss)
-an extra spark plug wire to go from the coil to the distributor (you can make these or buy them)
-OK now this is the important part, you will need the pigtails going to each of these parts and they are only available from a junked car but luckily are plentiful. when you pull these pigtails you need to leave yourself a LOT of room mainly for mistakes and measuring so CUT WISELY.
Examples of parts needed:

lesser parts i recommend getting just to do it professionally:
-some 10-12/12-14 gauge crimp connectors preferably with heat shrink to get that extra seal
-a pair of GOOD crimps and a wire cutter
-electrical tape
-heat shielding (if its what you prefer)
OK, now that we've spent all of our money on parts we get to the fun part, Prep/Installation. Obviously, we start by taking the old parts off of the vehicle...which is just the distributor...hopefully you can accomplish that :p.
examples of parts:

From this point I installed the new distributor simply to keep my internals from being exposed to the weather so i recommend the same.

Next we want to remove the fuse block and its bracket. (there are two bolts and four nuts you need to remove to take the bracket off of the block/body)

This will be the finished product. Please keep in mind you will be using the bracket as a heat sink for the r.i.c. and the module so CLEAN IT.

Now we need to install the module. Please make note the direction that i placed it, this is probably the easiest direction to access the plug from so i recommend doing it the same. Also, there is a packet of die-electric grease that came with the coil...use it liberally.

From this point, we need to reinstall the bracket in the reverse manor but before attaching the fuse block we need to place the R.I.C. on the post closest to the ignition module and place the block over the top of it.

:At this point you can choose to mount your coil any where you chose. I was unable to attach it to the same place as it was on the vehicle i pulled it from because of the difference in the fuse block (the 94 and up has 2 extra relays that inhibit you from installing the coil in the same spot) so i just installed and msd blaster 2 coil.

Now that we've put on all our new goodies we get to wire the suckers up. Start by cleaning up the wires and striping all the heat shielding and excess wires. This is what i ended up with:

Next we want to prep our factory wring harness to be spliced. Cut these two plugs off and remove the heat shielding a few inches back to give yourself enough room.

There are a few wires on the main jumble that will need to be crimped together to be adapted to the old harness. The colors are yellow/blue and black/orange so crimpy away.

This next part your on your own but you shouldn't have too much trouble attaching the wires being as its just a color match up. This is the wiring diagrams made by lazer408 with a little more clarification for those of you not familiar with the car.

After you wire up everything you should have something like this. (mine is already wrapped)

and enjoy
if you have any questions you can pm me and ill do the best i can to get back
happy hunting