(GB) KLZE & BP-T GroupBuy

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(GB) KLZE & BP-T GroupBuy

Post by Team_mazdamx »

Hi everyone, i'm a sales reps for Jdmsource from Calgary and would like to offer you guys a great deal on a groupbuy for KLZEs and BP-Ts engines.

JDMsource.ca from Calgary

- KLZE (long block)
- no ecu or tranny
- Groupbuy Price: $1000.00CAD (orginal 1150CAD)
- Deposit: $200.00
- Time: engines will be ship out in 2 weeks after I have received
all deposits.

- BP-T (complete)
- Ecu, Tranny included (uncut wiring harness)
- GroupBuy Price: $1500.00CND (orginal 1700CND)
- Deposit: $200.00
- Time: engines will be ship out in 2 weeks after I have received all deposits.

Note: The goupbuy price is good for a total of 5 engines.
Note: We will require the desposit only if all the spots have been filled. Please dont send us anything before then
Note: All engines will be tested and compression numbers will be given before shipping.
Note: Please comtact me for shipping quotes, we ship anywhere in North America.
Note: Tracking number will be provided.
Note: An additional $25.00 will be require as a doantion on your behalf for mx-3.com for their support.

Vince Law
Mazda Representative
Jdmsouce.ca Calgary
13-1231 36th Avenue NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 6N6
Phone: 403-717-4252
team_mclaren AT shaw.ca

Last edited by Team_mazdamx on January 21st, 2006, 10:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Team_mazdamx »

GroupBuy list:

-- ooELMOoo
-- wazup_shorty
Last edited by Team_mazdamx on January 26th, 2006, 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Team_mazdamx »


We DO ship to the stats, just pm me with you zip code and i'll find out how much shipping is for you.

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Posts: 207
Joined: February 29th, 2004, 2:01 am
Location: calgary

Post by Team_mazdamx »

Spring is here, the GB will go on for another month. pm for shipping quotes :D

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