I'm sorry everyone, But I have nowhere to turn to..

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Post by SteveMach503 »

dood.. i owuld do anything i could so my girlfriend would have to strip. i would get as many jobs i need to keep her away from that. its only going to bring more drama in to the relationship and parents. STRIPPING NOT GOOD IDEA!
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Post by DavidOS »

Chiggles wrote:.....Wow, where to begin with all this? Manowar821 - you're obviously in a very difficult position at the moment and for that you have my sincerest sympathy as I'm sure nobody would envy your set of circumstances. I know it must be hard for you to understand why her parents are the way they are, but the sad reality is that there's probably more families out there that have screwed up conflictive relations compared to those that don't. To be honest, given the suggestions made by the community so far, you're going to end up making big sacrifices that could still hurt you in the long run, even with student loans, which I'll explain a bit later. But let me first just try to bring this thread back on track for everyone.

This started out to be a thread from Manowar821 putting his sorrow out in the open asking for advice on "please help me, what should I do?", and somehow it developed into a thread about "don't let your woman be a stripper" hate-thread of some sort. What the hell, people? How is that solving his problem??? Let's think a little bit outside the box a second and realize that his problem is NOT that his woman is considering working as a stripper, but that it's BECAUSE her parents are disrespecting her and it seems like they keep putting her in the middle of their arguments that she clearly doesn't want to be a part of.

That said, I'd like to give credit to jschrauwen, tw1st3d_cl0wn (Michelle, is it?), Nd4SpdSe, johnnyb, and especially to Chronicle-Rod for all hitting it on the nail. It's good to see there are some people on the board that get the point of the situation and are trying to help. What can be summed up from this, Manowar821, is that the first thing she needs to do is to try to chill out from that last argument and think with a cool head - help her realize that the best thing for her to do would be to make amends with her parents somehow. Johnnyb hit it on the nail when he suggested that she should explicitly borrow money from both her parents and I would take it one step further as to say she should also make it clearly aware to both her parents that she's borrowing an equal amount from each parent as well. The easiest way to fix this without hurting your feelings or hers would be to try to convince her that she and her parents should go as far as to consider going into family couneselling and have someone in a neutral position to mediate all the troubles that family has.

If family counselling isn't going to help or it's just that she or her parents are unwilling to seek counselling, than you'll be put into the next situation which is that is that you need to have a heart to heart with your girl and let her know that if she's going to make this decision to strip, that it's not for the WRONG reason. Getting back at her parents by taking this course of action is not going to make relations any better between herself and her parents - it's just gonna stir up more s--- between them. Stripping for this reason wouldn't have as much to do with the money as much as it's probably more out of anger and resentment against her parents as Michelle said.

Taking it from there, if she's sure it's for a financial reason and not mostly out of revenge, then that's where your guys' relationship will be put to the test and you have to set limits and make even harder decisions. Let her know and make absolutely sure she understands how srtongly opposed you feel about it, but as Jschrauwen said, don't use it as leverage against her. If you really do love your woman as much you claim, it would be wrong for you to threaten a break-up of some sort otherwise. "If she strips, she will be dead to me"..... that sir, is a strong statement in my opinion and should be spoken very carefully..... I don't think you mean it like that..... the hurt you may feel if that's how things end up will be hard to deal with, and the thought of that pain is probably what makes you think she might be dead to you, but if you love her as much as you say you do, you'll find a way to deal with it and still support her no matter what because you really DO love her that much. At the same time, I'd like to remind you that even if letting her know how you're opposed to it and that she still chooses to strip, you have to remember that she really would have made that decision with your feelings in mind still and that it was NOT out of any disrespect to you, nor would it be a selfish decision either. She is still her own individual, and you need to give her the respect she deserves and to let her make her own decisions for herself. You do not OWN her, she's still her own person - to act any other way against that would be abusive and controlling, that is not the stuff love is made of. As hard as it could be to deal with it, if you have the patience, your love for each other will help you cope with it over time, depending on just how strong your love for each other really is.

So what do you guys do if she decides not to strip but still needs money? If you both make the mutual agreement and decide that you will be the one to take on the finanicial hurdle, then your fastest way to big money outside of winning the lottery or taking a big risk by gambling on Texas Holdem' or something, would be heavy labour like construction or out in the oilfields as some sort of pipefitter/labourer, etc, or perhaps working for city transit. The catch with this though, is that depending on where you live and where work is going to be, a lot of these jobs tend to put you in a position where you're either going to be in a long-distance relationship or you're gonna be working long, late and opposite hours from each other. Either way, in the end, you risk growing distant from each other due to the lack of time spent together and it could end up weakening your relationship. Once again, another test of your love's strength.

Now, this brings me to student loans. Everyone else has said loans are the solution and could be an easy way out of your situation too. But the sad reality is that none of the banks, schools, or other institutions will tell you at the time how this will affect you in the long term, and they wouldn't provide that info for you freely unless you explicitly ask for it cuz they still want your business anyway. Banks still want to loan you money to make interest on you, and schools still want you to attend so that they can get your money too, that's business. What happens in the long term, and this is from what I've seen in my own personal experience, is that student loans set you back in life and keep you from being where you want to be at certain points in your life. If you ever set goals for yourself and say that you want to have a house by this age, or raise a family starting this time, etc. Student loans tend to be very large amounts and many times, the catch of paying them back when you're done with school will keep you from acheiving those goals later on in life cuz you're gonna be constantly strapped with debt. My own life is a perfect example of this and maybe it will help you better understand what I mean.

I went to a post-secondary school for about 2.5 years, then took what I intended to be a short term break cuz I made the choice to help my woman put herself through school and finish her graduate studies program. 6 years later, I still haven't gone back to school just yet cuz my wife's program took her longer than expected, but regardless, working where I do now and with her just completing her program this year and officially earning her title as a professor for developmental psychology, together we have a combined income of around $87000 or so (before taxes). Which isn't too bad between a couple, right. We both have great credit history and would love to move out of current tiny little 1-bed apartment and get a house of our own and start raising a family and such, but between the 2 of us, we have over $50000 in debt for student loans. What does that mean? It means that as much money as we make, by the time we pay off our household bills, food, etc, the student loan payments keep us from really saving up for anything. We could get approved for a mortgage possibly if it wasn't for the fact that we have so much debt. We both have good incomes and good credit histories, but the banks say we owe too much and that we currently would put ourselves at financial risk by getting another big loan for a house. I had planned to have a house by this time and to start building the financial stability with a career to afford raising a family within the next 4 years. I can't do that in time cuz I still need to get back to school, and somehow we still need to get our loans paid off in time before that. Why do I set a certain age for something to be done at, you ask? Cuz I don't want to be 65 and JUST having a kid that's starting his own university program and be dead before my grandkids are old enough to remember what I look like. At the rate of slow down that I have to deal with, I'm about 5 years behind where I want to be. It's not just a house and family thing too. I mean, if it weren't for loan payments, I might have been able to afford another vehicle as a winter beater so that I didn't have to put my poor MX3 through the hardships of winter driving, but I can't. My wife and I would have a bigger place to put all the junk we've accumulated over the last few years instead of stuffing it all into one tiny place and make our apartment look like a scrap yard (nearly every bit of wall space is lined with a shelf of something or stack of another), but once again, we can't afford it despite what we make. I could afford to maintain my car better and even get better upgrades for it, but I can't.

Sure, some of these are frivilous and unnecessary luxuries, but my point is that had it not been for student loans, my wife and I could have saved up so much more money so much more sooner (it's not like our incomes are small) and we could have started our family planning on time, but all of that extra money we could have saved is being allocated to student loan payments just so we can "catch-up" with our long-term itinerary for life that's slipping away from us. If I had known 8 years ago that student loan payments would cripple me like this, I would have worked full-time for a year or 2 instead to start off with rather than jumping right into university after high school like I did. But, I was young and innonent - how was I suppose to know this would bite me in the a-- almost 10 years later? And I'm not the only person I know in this predicament, others I've known since high school are going through similar snags as well. To those of you that have the luxury of living at home and getting freebies from your parents til you're done with college, consider yourselves the luckiest and most fortunate ones out there cuz you'll be right on track to where you want to be.

So yeah, Manowar821, if your woman can't find a way to get along with her parents, she's either gonna strip, or you work long-hours/long-distance, or you can take the easy-early-out with student loans and risk dealing with the financial burden later on. It's sad, but true. Your best interest is to still somehow get your woman and her parents to make amends. Good luck!!

That aside, let me take a moment to rant and defend the strippers. I'm not saying one way or another that she SHOULD strip, but there is nothing degrading about being a stripper. It's just the stereotyping of the lifestyle that gives them a bad rap. "Oh you strip, you must be a coke whore". Right, so noooobody else but strippers do coke? :roll: To those of you so strongly opposed against strippers, what is it that you have against them and have you ever gotten to know one? There ARE strippers that don't do drugs and are just really there to pay for school or whatever. Seriously, choosing to be a stripper doesn't mean she chooses to do drugs. The fact that they choose to do drugs is why they do drugs - stripping has nothing to do with it. Yes, I realize that SOME strip clubs have drug users, but where do any of you see this being promoted? Did you walk into a strip club yourself and see a sign that read "Drug-use Approved Establishment, please sterilize your needles before use?" No you don't. The fact is that seedy people come around to some strip clubs, but MOST people there aren't seedy drug users/pushers and not EVERY club has people like that walking in; I see the same seedy people just walking down a street or hanging out at a pool hall or something like that. I shoot pool as a hobby and have played in the local city leagues for the last 3 years - does that make me a seedy drug user too just cuz those individuals happen to be in the same establisment that I was in? "Oh no, they're contagious run away!!" "Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated" :roll: Being a stripper doesn't ruin a girl's life - if the girl's strength of character is strong enough to resist peer pressure or just plain simply has a smart head on her shoulders to choose not to get involved with drugs in the first place, she'll be ok.

I really don't get how some people can be so close-minded as to think stripping is degrading. If the girl chooses this path in life of her own free will and for the right reason, and she's sexy and she knows it, then why not show it off? What's so demoralizing about it that makes you think the experience will "haunt" her the rest of her life? I've known 2 or 3 girls who used stripping to pay for school as well, and they all started out as pretty shy, quiet individuals, but needed the money and gave it a try. At first it was awkward, but as they did it more often, with each time they got on stage, the more and more they became confident with themselves... not just about being on stage but in terms of their lives in general. Having guys cheer and stare at them made them feel powerful. They became more outgoing and energetic with things in life like dealing with the stress of exams, relationships, family issues and have moved on to bigger things. One was my cousin's girlfriend at the time who put herself through school, graduated with a business degree and now works for a successful marketing company. Another that I knew carried on stripping for a few more years (also a business graduate) and used the extra money she earned after putting herself through school to use it as capital to start her own nightclub, and the charisma and confidence she had developed from her experience as a stripper has helped her land a good deal of business contacts for sponsors and other advertising campaigns for her business. Neither of them ever got involved with the darker side of the business cuz they were better than that, nor did they ever get "involved" with customers (to keep things professional), and neither of them ever regret how they've grown because how the experience shaped them.

I'm with Chronicle-Rod on this one. Dude, you're right - it really is interesting how some people are trained to forgive and to compromise, and yet still be so much more judgemental than anyone else. Manowar821, if you indeed feel that you have such "higher" morals that you need to stand by and answer to, than that is a choice that both you and your woman will have to learn to compromise and accept, whether that means the 2 of you remain together or not even if she strips. Once again, this will put your love to the test. Doesn't it seem odd that what one person may have to do for love conflicts with what you've been habituated to believe?? This has always been a beef of mine. Not with Christians, but with the way the religion, despite all it's good intentions, teaches so-called "better" values that gives those of you a superiority complex that makes you so close-minded, arrogant, and judgemental. Just cuz some people don't share your values, it doesn't make yours better or yourself a better person. Whatever happened to just plain common sense and respect for your fellow man?? Robbing a bank is much more worse than stripping cuz theft is a crime and it's just plain wrong to take what doesn't belong to you. Stripping by one's own freewill choice is not a theft of someone else's property, nor is it an act of violence that causes bodily harm or death, nor is it a slander at anyone, nor is it a lie. If she's comfortable with her body, and she's hot and is aware that she's hot, and wants to show it off, so what? She's not injuring herself or anyone else in the process, nor is she taking anything that doesn't belong to her. Heck, there's not much more truthful than nudity, hence the term naked truth.

Do you realize in this day and age just how much business is generated by our sexuality? Be it in advertising, on tv, in movies, in magazines, on the web, etc., more than 80% of economic revenue as a whole is gained through sex appeal, medical aids, strip clubs, sex toys, porn, etc. Humans are still mammals - driven by sexual instinct - it's natural and normal. So why should stripping be so looked down upon when we're drawn to everything else sexual so naturally?? There's no need to hide from instinctive behaviour, so why not just embrace it and keep it real??

:roll: seeing as you put it that way dr Phil, i think ill go tell my beautiful future wife to strip for a living when times are hard, keep it real.... right. I think you meant keep it abusive and keep women degraded, so that men can hunch over in private and beat off to something that is not reality. Our sexuality is oh so wonderful and natural... talk about fluff. Your last paragraph summed up everything you meant clearly enough.

This day and age in relation to money from sex is irrelevant and will never detract from the simple fact, just because you are drawn to it doesnt make it right. Serial killers are drawn to killing... but its ok now cause we should embrace that to its natural to kill, suvival of the fittest right?

Oh im getting rich from selling crack to the neighbours.... hell it has to be ok the neighbours are feeling great im rich we all win!! LAME

What else is natural, hmmm well i think ill run around to your place naked and take a s--- on your car and your doorstep, its natural to s--- where ever, mammals do it.

OH WAIT HUMAN REASON comes into it, then human reason also stands behind the simple fact you probably wouldnt let your daughter do it at The age of 18 or your wife. Why cause maybe someone will rape her after her great performance, or maybe someone will grab your wifes tits and a-- and get thrown out, or maybe someone with whip a quarter and bruise her eye.OR maybe just maybe you actually care for them.

yah embrace sex, embrace everyone around you so its easier for people to get off, embrace it so people become more perverted, embrace it so "we" (men) can be happy at the expense of declothing women for our OWN pleasure. Sorry cant condone it and never will.

When you think sexuality is so open and free then you also find that you dont value it with any woman you share it with until you start valuing it as something that is essential for reproduction, having a child and something beautiful you share with one person not your whole community.

Yah im judgemental on society for so openly accepting alot of things including stripping as something that is great or fun or pleasurable, but in reality its probably done more harm then good. What does harm is trying to let science cover this up, or let political correctness cover this up.

I dont judge the individual girls who do it, in fact its the opposite the girls who are stuck doing it i wish i could help, the girls who are messed up or addcited to drugs i wish i could help, the young and old people having abortions i wish you would just have the kid so i could take care of them or find them a LOVING home not a sexually perverse home where selfish pleasure takes precidence over the process of a child being born.

The simple fact is I cant afford all this nor do it. But I can deffinatly say no against the places that do it and people who openly support the degredation of society, sex and women then i can say no to that as well, and yes it is wrong.

Sometimes judgements have to be made to make the way straight, if we all just shut up and no one ever says HEY THAT IS NOT RIGHT!! then we all suffer. Thats not being JUDGEMENTAL thats called caring about your community.
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Post by Chiggles »

DavidOS: despite whatever conflicting opinions that we both express, they are just only that - opinions. I've made my point just as you have, and I still sincerely respect yours. At the core of it all, when it comes down to the differences between the purest forms of right and wrong, you do make some good points which I do agree on, but clearly we don't agree on every single thing. So what? So be it. To each his own, sir. 93SOHC said it best about how forums are all about opinions and people sharing personal views and expierences and I don't want to let this turn ugly either. I just wanna get along with everyone, man, so let's just agree to disagree, shall we? Cheers. :)
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Post by bushidosword »

My two cents;

Since the situtation is desperate, and money is THE issue heres what i think;

Many "waiters" at bars make a ton of money as tips. Yes,it is not an ideal enviroment for a workplace butwhen you guys have considered such harsh options as her stripping that seems pretty mild. To speak planeley, if your girl is attractive and confident enough to actually strip a) you lucky guy and b)she would have NO problem getting a job at a bar, and lets face it, her tips would be very good.

I guess what i mean is there are many other jobs that pay pretty good, and as unfair as it is attractive people, girls in particular are going to get these jobs and succeed with them!

I agree with anyone who says don't let money make her strip. There will be a HUGE emotional strain on the two of you, and if she is as good a gal as she sounds she will likely try to bare a large portion of this burden on her own so as not to worry you... Meaning you may nver really know how much it affects her!

Not to make a comparrison but im sure contract killers make a ton of money too but that doesnt mean everyones cut out for it, and that they could live with that being part of their life.

Anyway i know i get all worried and protective when my gf wears a bikini, so I hear you loud and clear...

Good Luck, Tell her she's beautiful and that everything will be ok, and u guys will be fine.
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Post by manowar821 »

Thankyou so much for all of your advice everyone. I do agree that when I said "if she strips she's dead to me" I may have been angry.. It's something her and I have always agreed on though, we hate how sexualized society has become and how perverted people can be. We are very open minded and somewhat liberal I guess, (I actually hate all politics but whatever) but there's nothing wrong with having some conservitive views. I don't think she would ever do drugs, sleep with men for money, etc etc, but thats not what bothered me in the first place... The 2 reasons I was so VERY upset were 1: we had agreed that it is wrong, but then she started thinking about it. 2: I belive its wrong to show yourself like that to anyone for any reason unless you are inlove with them. Sexuality should be between 2 people, no more.

I understand everyone's comments here, even the people who criticised me, thankyou for that by the way. I actually do not belive I could ever leave her for stripping. I would end up support her decisions even if I got SUPER pissed first.

As for an update... She cooled off and decided to keep dealing with her mother and all of the bull-sh**. And before anyone thinks that I decided that I would support whatever she decided to do AFTER she decided to do what I wanted her to, you're wrong. I decided before I knew she would make the more sensible desision. I was just so upset at first.

Reading all of this kept me sane, seriously. Hopefully her family can start COMMUNICATING. It would be a longshot, but perhaps...

Thankyou again.
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Post by bushidosword »

glad to hear all is well :D
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Post by tw1st3d_cl0wn »

Happy to hear it worked out, good luck in the future.
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Re: I'm sorry everyone, But I have nowhere to turn to..

Post by MX-3 Money »

manowar821 wrote:If she strips, she will be dead to me, I don't respect those people at all..
I want to keep loving her. I want her to have a free ride from her parents.
I think your really an ignorant swallow guy for saying that.
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Re: I'm sorry everyone, But I have nowhere to turn to..

Post by manowar821 »

MX-3 Money wrote:
manowar821 wrote:If she strips, she will be dead to me, I don't respect those people at all..
I want to keep loving her. I want her to have a free ride from her parents.
I think your really an ignorant swallow guy for saying that.
Why do you say that, when one of the biggest basis of love is respect. You can't love someone you don't respect.

As for the money part, her parents are terrible, and they owe my her the college education to make up for the mental and physical abuse they put her through. Infact, they can't make up for it, but atleast they could TRY being nice again.

I don't care if you respect strippers or prostitutes or whatever, thats your opinion, I have mine as well. But let me ask you how you can respect someone who gives it up for money? You know what, if they are single whatever, but you owe the person you are with your 100 percent loyalty. That is if you ARE in a relationship.

I may have said it wrong, I don't always use words very well when I'm upset, I'm sorry it sounded like I am shallow. But I am not, shallow is "I don't like him because he/she got a haircut" or "I don't like him/her because they have no money"... THATS shallow. Saying you can't be with someone if you don't respect them is not shallow, can we agree on that?
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Post by Chronicle-Rod »

"But let me ask you how you can respect someone who gives it up for money?"

Strippers take their clothes off - not "give it up"...

Maybe you just don't get that.
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Post by manowar821 »

Chronicle-Rod wrote:"But let me ask you how you can respect someone who gives it up for money?"

Strippers take their clothes off - not "give it up"...

Maybe you just don't get that.
It's the same thing. It's something that should only be shown/given to a significant other.

You want your daughter/son going into stripping? How about your girlfriend/boyfriend?
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Post by ratkon »

My first wife had a dream of becoming a doctor,but she couldnt afford to put herself through school.She decided to be a dancer.I was to busy being a young punk to help out.She has never touched drugs of any kind.The only person she fucked for money was me......in the divorce. :D j/k. Today she is a well respected Doc,and my best friend.90% of the dancers are there for the cash.Many are single moms trying to make ends meet.Many are putting thier self through school.And sadly,some are burnt out crack whores.I always thought that the guys watching were the sleeze balls,not the lady's.
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Post by Chiggles »

manowar821 wrote:I don't care if you respect strippers or prostitutes or whatever, thats your opinion, I have mine as well. But let me ask you how you can respect someone who gives it up for money? You know what, if they are single whatever, but you owe the person you are with your 100 percent loyalty. That is if you ARE in a relationship.
IMHO, If you ACTUALLY do love that person, you'll learn to come to terms with the situation and you'll learn to respect them anyway despite whatever propaganda you've been brainwashed to believe in says. Love conquers all, man, that's the way it's supposed to be. Listen to your heart, not whatever's written in a book.

manowar821 wrote:
Chronicle-Rod wrote:"But let me ask you how you can respect someone who gives it up for money?"

Strippers take their clothes off - not "give it up"...

Maybe you just don't get that.
It's the same thing. It's something that should only be shown/given to a significant other.

You want your daughter/son going into stripping? How about your girlfriend/boyfriend?

You want to talk about loyalty? Loyalty is not about something as objective, shallow, or as physical as showing off one's body only to your significant other. Loyalty is a SUPPOSED to be a measure of your strength of emotional character towards another individual. In this case, it's the strength of your dedication of love. It's not something tangible, it's all about emotion. At the end of the night, no matter she shows off her body to another person or another room full of people, YOU'RE still the one she goes home with, YOU'RE still the one she wants to cuddle up with at night when she goes to sleep, YOU'RE still the one she hopes to be there to listen to her when she has a bad day, YOU'RE still the one she wants to grow old/live/share feelings with, etc. etc. Shouldn't that mean so much more to you than who she shows off her body too?? It's all these other things that a relationship should be based on cuz it's supposed to be that more meaningful, that's the stuff that counts the most.

Do I want my child or my signifcant other to go into stripping? Now that's a bit of a silly question. "I have a DESIRE to see my child/significant other take off his/her clothes in front of other people". That's just plain weird if you WANT to see your kids or your spouse strip for others. :P It's perfectly normal and natural if you DON'T WANT them to strip, BUT it would be more APPROPRIATE to be indifferent. So my answer to your question is that no, I don't have a desire to see my child or my wife strip for others, but I don't mind it one tiny bit at all if that's what they want to do.

You see it's like this: if you WANT to see your kid or woman strip for others and actually witness it, than that's just pretty unusual. If you don't want to see them strip for others and you try to keep them from doing it by saying things like "you'll be dead to me if you do", than that's just WRONG, plain and simple. Never manipulate your relationship by using it as some sort of leverage, otherwise you're just another abusive and controlling son of a b----. Why shouldn't you be controlling? Cuz another person's body is not anyone's property but their own, not even if it's your child's or your significant other's.

I don't tell my wife that I wanna see her strip for others, nor will I ever stop her from doing so if she wants to, cuz either way, that would be controlling her. But if she does, I don't mind, cuz I know at the end of the day she still thinks about me, and she wants to come home to me. I have that peace of mind and sense of security in my relationship to know that, no matter what happens, we have each other's hearts and souls which we willingly gave to one another, and that's wha matters most. She could be stripping and would hopefully have fun with it while she does it, but through it all, I know she's still thinking about me and is anxious to come home and be with me whenever she's done just as I would if I were stripping. If my wife strips, that's ok. If someone wants to watch her strip, that's fine too - just be sure to be pay her well (cuz I see some of that money too, I hope. LOL), and I just hope that they would show her their appreciation for how hot they think she is in a respectful manner. But if someone takes a coin and slapshots my wife with it or disrespects her in any other way, I'd give them a helluva curb stomp and slit their eyes out of their sockets with a jagged rusty fork. :twisted:

Stripping is only physical, just that and only that. It has no emotional meaning to it that relates to love. Lust is an emotion too, yes, and of course you need lust before you can have love, but you can have lust all on its own. The hinderance that society has today which complicates day-to-day relationships is how sexuality in all its forms has somehow become bonded with monogamy. At the dawn of our time, humans use to f--- anyone for fun, regardless of the presence of love. Somehow during the course of evolution, somebody decided to f--- only for love and the idea kinda stuck around, which was fine, but who the hell decided it was going to be a course of action that's as black and white as right or wrong. If you choose to have sex with only one person, good for you, but if you don't, that should be ok too. Why should fidelity have anything to do with physical monogamy when we as a species are sexually polygynous by nature??? Especially considering all the hassle such demands create. Honestly, I don't know how it came to be, but sexuality never should have become as strongly bounded to intimacy as it has. Because of it, couples everywhere have arguments all the time about such naive issues as stripping, "cheating" even if it was just a simple kiss to someone else underneath the mistletoe around the holidays or having wandering eyes cuz you notice other attractive people around you when in public, etc. I do believe that if you love someone, intimacy is what matters most in that relationship, and it's all about sharing emotions, but equating intimacy to monogamous sexuality is such a burden on a relationship cuz you end up hurting the other person and/or feeling guilty about who you are. The social standards that have been set in place over time make it wrong if you lust over someone else who's also physically attractive, which I don't agree with at all since it's was always natural to be polygynous. Thankfully though, it's good to see that society is finally turning around and becoming more sexually liberated these days than they were a decade ago or whenever it was. Getting back to our instinctive basics is NOT a perversion of any sort, but feeling guilt or remorse for responding to natural lust for someone you're not intimate with is just disrespectul to yourself. You shouldn't be ashamed of any reflex reactions you make or how you instinctively feel, cuz that's just who you really are as a person. That's your own identity. I can only hope that this promising sexual social movement progresses further onward as this sort of encouragement and acceptance can only lead to a future where couples have stronger relationships that are more understanding and respectful to each other and to themselves. Divorce rates probably wouldn't be as high as they were if it wasn't for these moral conflicts.
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Post by manowar821 »

Okay, obviously I don't agree with your stance on relationships, cheating, etc.
However I'm NOT calling you people names because of it. So just NOCK it off.

If you REALLY want me to get angry about it, keep pushing me, because it's really starting to bother me.

But in my opinion, I don't think you should let someone get away with cheating or anything just because they come back to you every night.

Did you NOT read my apology? When I said that "dead to me" crap I was very upset and angry, and I said things I didn't mean. I would not leave her for stripping for money.

Perhaps you did read it though, and just like to argue. BUT if that were the case you wouldn't be calling me a "son of a b----" but instead would be having fun with the debate.

I don't dislike you for having different opinions of things, but I don't appreciate being called names, or being attacked. Thats rude.

If you are going to be an a--, don't even respond I don't want to hear it. If you want to argue in a respectful manner, please do so, I enjoy it.
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Post by manowar821 »

:!: :!: :!:
I just want to stop this argument, I don't need enemies on mx-3.com, and I don't think anyone else does eather.

I'm sorry if you don't agree with me but it happens sometimes, just don't get angry about it, please.
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