tokico & dropzon pictures

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tokico & dropzon pictures

Post by lcf666 »

Hi all, I just came from a workshop that tune cars. They couldnt put my new tokico/dropzone coilovers.

Just a little background: I live in the south of France so there are very few workshops and japanese cars. I bought on ebay a set of Tokico Blue Struts and Dropzone Coilovers. I had been reading on the forum that almost everyone says dropzone is no good and with those struts the car will be too stiff.

So, please I need someone to tell me how to put the tokico and dropzone coilovers with more details

Workshop complaint about how to mount the coilover on the tokico base, that it looks like its not prepared for this coilover:

here are the pics:

this is the strut:

First Question: Notice that there is 2 type of aluminium nut. Which one do I have to put down?

Aluminium Nut Number 1?
Or Aluminium Nut Number 2?

Besides, I now this hole is to put that screw, but this hold tight alumiun nut number 1 or 2?

Another Q: What are this for:

I know that one rubber goes here:
then like this:
and then another rubber and the cap:

This are the instructions that came with the coilovers:

rasheedn, thanks for the link, but I have coilovers. :(.

thanks to all for a quick response.
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