- On Ebay it retails for ~$382.00cad + ~$80.00cad shipping. That's over $450.00cad!!<p>
How much is shipping going to be?
- For Canadians, it's obviously going to be a fair bit cheaper than you guys in the USA. It's going be ~$75usd to ship to the USA and ~$60.00cad to ship within Canada. Please do NOT quote me though! I will not know exact shipping until i actually pick up the spoilers from the Toronto Seaport.<p>
How long will it take for me to receive my spoiler?
- It will take ~4-6 weeks. Why so long? It's being shipped over by boat from HongKong, then it's gotta be checked by customs, then i have to pick all 10 spoilers up from the Toronto Seaport, bring it back to my place in Barrie, collect shipping from the guys/gals that will not be picking it up, and ship em' out.<p>
Can i pick the spoiler up to save on shipping?
- Yes. Id' prefer you pick it up! Saves me looking around town for big enough boxes lol. <p>
Why do i have to pay for the entire amount ($240.00cad) up front?
- TopMix has told me that they want full payment, directly wired from my bank account to their bank account. I’m doing this so that i can be rest assured that no one will drop out of the group buy on me, as their spoiler will already be on a boat heading for Canada lol.<p>
What does the GTR Spoiler look like?

Who exactly is the supplier of this GTR Spoiler?
Topmix (International) Co., Ltd. from Hong Kong.
Website: http://www.topmix.com.hk
Phone: (852) 2692-7768
Email: topmix@topmix.com.hk<p>
What types of payment do you accept?
- Cash/Money Order/Cheque/PayPal/Wire Money
NOTE: If you use paypal, tack on another $10.00cad. Why? I have heard from many people that they have some kind of service charge. If you don't agree, then by all means use another form of payment!<p>
When do you want me to send the $240.00cad?
- Since the group buy has been already filled, start sending you're payments in today.<p>
Where do i send my money?
- All payments will be send to my place in Barrie, Ontario Canada.<p>Steve Zytariuk
58 Marsellus Drive
Barrie, Ontario L4N8S3
What is you're phone and/or email address
Phone: 1-705-791-5914
Email: zytariuk@rogers.com<p>Im so sorry for this massive post guys. I wish i could make it as simple as it was before lol.<p>[ June 18, 2003: Message edited by: zytariuk ]</p>