New CF hood group buy

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New CF hood group buy

Post by cjthor »

Allright guys..Same as before. 375 shipped for OEM and 429 shipped for inverted. I am going to need the monies in full by April 25th. They will go out in order of monies received. Email me at if interested. They will start to ship out the first week of May.
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
2008 MINI Cooper Clubman S
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Re: New CF hood group buy

Post by cjthor »

The group buy will be postponed until further notice. Probably after Carlisle.
Jarid Perry
94 mx3 Turrrbooooo (not even close to stock) 302WHP
71 Chevy C20 (tow rig!!)
77 Jeep CJ5 (no way its stock)
06 MINI Cooper S JCW GP (few goodies) 210WHP
2008 MINI Cooper Clubman S

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