Clear Taillights
Clear Taillights
As indicated before in other topic of the bulletin board, the chance to sign up for obtaining clear taillights is OVER. All updates will be made on this board.<P>As of now, all registered people for clear taillights should have received an e-mail about 2 weeks ago to verify contact information. If you have not responded please respond ASAP. I will tally all the replies on January 31, 2001. If you do not reply by that time your registration will be forfeited. Some time in the middle of February, I will directly speak with everyone on an individual basis, so monitor this board for more information. Please note, no replies can be made to this board, so contact me with any questions.<P>If you have any questions pertinent to this you may e-mail me at:<P><P>Anto<p>[This message has been edited by Anto (edited January 08, 2001).]
Re: Clear Taillights
They said it wasn't possible...<BR>They said it didn't exist...<BR>They said they didn't want to create it...<BR>(Enough Ranting)<BR>Clear taillights are no longer an old wives tail (pun), they exist. The impossible has been created. Read on for details...<BR>First off BE SURE to read carefully and place thought to the content of your e-mails to me. Any inane mail I receive will get no reply at all. To all those that replied to the list that was circulated a few weeks back you will receive notification from me first. I'd like to publicly anounce that it will be possible for everyone to obtain them (those who are interested), however, the registered people will have priority. <P>Here's the catch, due to the complexity involved in creating a mold for the taillights we are approaching this in an entirely different way. In order to get clear taillights you will have to send your existing taillights. An alternative to this would be to purchase taillights to a junkyard or other source and send those in. But, if you can live without them for approximately 2 weeks you can send your own. I am fully aware that this makes it a little more difficult, but I know to those that will see this through, this is just a minor setback. This isn't to say that this will be the way it is forever, plans on creating a mold are actually in process, but to those who want them now, this is by far the simplest and quickest method on obtaining them.<P>Expect the cost at $200 for this ordeal. Pictures will be available soon, approximate day Mon, Jan. 22. I personally have purchased taillights and have had them sent in. I am thinking of implementing a loaner-basis program with my taillights, for those who do not wish to purchase taillights. I am willing to send my existing taillights to whoever sends there's in, ofcourse on a 1 to 1 basis and continue this on with whoever else is interested. If you are interested in this e-mail me with "LOANER LIGHTS" as the subject line. The order of the e-mails that I receive will determine the order to those who will receive my taillights. Ofcourse, the ideal method would be to purchase your own taillights. My suggestion is to visit here: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P>I've seen taillights for as low as $40. Keep in mind that the taillights only need to have the HOUSING intact. It's okay if they are scratched or broken. A great bargaining tool if you find broken ones at a junkyard.<P>For details regarding the actual design or technicalities of the clear taillights e-mail me. Expect an update real soon. To those of you who are interested on obtaining lights and are NOT registered e-mail me at THIS address:<P><P>All other inquiries, I can be reached at traditional address. Keep in mind to *think* before you write. Thanks.<P>Antonio<P><P>------------------<BR>
Re: Clear Taillights
Last night, an e-mail went out to all registered or potential registeree's. If you have not received this e-mail please e-mail me at:<P><P>Please post your response to the e-mail ASAP so that we may proceed to the final steps...<P>Anto
Re: Clear Taillights
I'm sorry about the lack of updates lately. I've been busy with other matters as well as the clear taillights...<P>Anyhow, I expect to receive an actual finished product from the designer. This version is one that we discussed and thought of, we have other idea's and depending on how the turn out will determine the final design. I will take multiple pictures on and off the car and indicate every design aspect. Keep in mind that this is the initial design and is in no way the final product.<P>Stay tuned, I will e-mail all registered people personally. If you have a certain address that you would like the pictures sent to, please e-mail me and indicate so. Expect the pictures on or around the end of next week (March 2 - March 5). Any questions e-mail me.<P>Anto
Re: Clear Taillights
Sorry guys, I had expected to receive the taillights by today but I still haven't. The designer assures me that they've been sent out already. Anyhow, if I dont receive them by Wed. then I'll follow up on it.<P>In the meantime, please be patient and stop e-mailing me asking for pictures. As mentioned before as long as you are registered, you will be sent pictures to the address you registered with. I honestly don't see too much longer of a delay. However, keep in mind that designs are still well under way and that this is in no way the actual finished product. This is a picture of one of our early prototypes and should be viewed with that in mind.<P>If you have any other questions, not relating to photo requests, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Thanks.<P>Anto
Re: Clear Taillights
Great news!<BR>I received the taillights today, Wednesday and boy are they looking complete. I have a new idea which I will propose strictly to registered members by e-mail, so watch your mailboxes. <P>Pictures will be sent out tomorrow evening to all registered. It seems certain people were doubtful and complained about the time it took for updates to progress as mentioned in another thread of "Altezza lights". I take it that these people are no longer interested and have thereby forfeited there place.<P>It's only a matter of time, and it's drawing near fast...<P>Anto
Re: Clear Taillights
An e-mail went out to all those that are currently registered which included the long awaited clear taillights. Ofcourse, this is only a prototype but this is further than anyone else has gone. With all this "altezza fever" going on, I'm sure pictures speak louder than words.<BR>
<P>I also noticed that certain people are involved in acquiring altezza's in another thread. To prevent any confusion and distractions you have been removed from my list and will not be deterred by any e-mails from me regarding progress or pictures.<P>To those who received the e-mail, please don't e-mail me at that address and please *DON'T* distribute it either. If you are registered and did not receive the e-mail, contact me at:<P><P>Any questions should also be directed to that address. Thanks.<P>Antonio

Re: Clear Taillights
I actually went ahead and fitted these taillights to my car, ofcourse, for fitment purposes.<P>I took a couple of pics of this, however, I'm doubtful as to whether or not anyone would be interested in pictures of that. If you are, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll send you some.<P>Write to:<P><P>Put "Fitment Pics" in the subject line. Still working on it...<BR>

Re: Clear Taillights
Sorry about the lack of updates.<P>Pics of the fitment of the lights went out this afternoon. Those who received the e-mail know why it took so long.<P>
<P>Will update soon....<P>Anto

Re: Clear Taillights
I was having trouble with that juno account of mine. Please forward any questions, interests, etc to:<P><P>Apparantly Juno's help center can't retrieve my e-mails so I'll need everyone who e-mailed asking for anything to redirect their e-mail to the new addrss.<P>Sorry for any inconvenience.<P>Antonio