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by WaaX
July 24th, 2009, 1:32 pm
Forum: Forced Induction
Topic: Slowley but surely
Replies: 0
Views: 804

Slowley but surely

Started collecting parts for my turbo setup, so far I've got a garret t3/t3, a front mount IC, some piping, and an el-cheapo BoV..

I've been considering just doing a rear mount setup, at this moment it would be ...
by WaaX
March 26th, 2009, 4:02 pm
Forum: Drag Strip/Track Racing
Topic: quarter mile time list
Replies: 273
Views: 61736

Re: quarter mile time list

by WaaX
March 25th, 2009, 11:38 pm
Forum: Drag Strip/Track Racing
Topic: quarter mile time list
Replies: 273
Views: 61736

Re: quarter mile time list

Yeah my tranny is starting to frustrate me too...still driveable, but some of the gears are getting bleh :x

Waiting another year, then when I have a job I will do a full rebuild w/ bigger gears and an LSD in preparation for a turbo that the woman will need to approve :lol:

Decent times, but ...
by WaaX
March 25th, 2009, 11:18 pm
Forum: Drag Strip/Track Racing
Topic: quarter mile time list
Replies: 273
Views: 61736

Re: quarter mile time list

I'll have my mom scan a picture of the slip when she's at work tomorrow:

Mods are listed in my sig

R/T .381
60' 2.297
330 6.332
1/8 9.689
MPH 73.08
1000 12.537
1/4 14.985
MPH 92.54

That was my best time tonight.. I raced against a new model Golf GTI.. He couldn't get any traction and I beat him ...
by WaaX
December 31st, 2008, 4:08 pm
Forum: SouthEast Mazda Owners Club
Topic: whos in florida???
Replies: 21
Views: 12037

Re: whos in florida???

I just moved from michigan to palm beach gardens florida (living at military and blue herron), so if you guys ever see a red 93 mx3 with black rims, it's probably me. Does anyone from this area know about any car clubs or any meeting areas that imports like to show up at?

I hardly know anyone out ...
by WaaX
November 24th, 2008, 6:07 pm
Forum: V6 Technical/Performance
Topic: all crank no fire
Replies: 6
Views: 220

Re: all crank no fire

First you check for spark, if you got spark then you check for fuel, if you have fuel and spark then you check compression, if you dont have compression then you may have a cracked head or block.

Also, you said you did the HEI mod, did you use an external coil? I couldn't get mine to work unless I ...
by WaaX
November 18th, 2008, 8:39 am
Forum: Car Stereo/Alarm
Topic: Braking = power loss?
Replies: 1
Views: 941

Braking = power loss?

I have a 2000 watt volfenhag amp powering 2 10" mtx subs, which really isn't that powerfull. Whenever I start braking, my bass becomes extremely weak. I installed a volt gauge and watched it while braking, but it doesn't drop, stays around 12v. It's only when I'm braking, if I'm sitting idle then ...
by WaaX
November 13th, 2008, 4:44 pm
Forum: Forced Induction
Topic: Need a supercharger expert!
Replies: 32
Views: 3996

Re: Need a supercharger expert!

So where in the engine bay are you gonna mount this two stroke engine?... on the hood, new hood ornament?
What RPM is the two stroke gonna be turning at to provide you with enough air flow?... will it even turn fast enough?
You're adding more weight to the car and using up more fuel... interesting ...
by WaaX
November 13th, 2008, 4:31 pm
Forum: V6 Technical/Performance
Topic: KLZE'ing my 30x - Have got the engine in need a little help
Replies: 13
Views: 504

Re: KLZE'ing my 30x - Have got the engine in need a little help

Now there's also this little bracket thing that was mounted on the back of the K8 IM. Here's a pic:

Those are the VRIS solenoids if I'm not mistaken, EGR solenoids look the same but if it's a klze then you wont have an EGR.

Here is a picture that I snagged from my local librarys car repair ...
by WaaX
November 8th, 2008, 3:21 pm
Forum: General Mazda MX-3
Replies: 35
Views: 2160



But.. I don't go on live.. my 360's modded to play burned games :twisted:
by WaaX
October 18th, 2008, 7:22 am
Forum: Car Stereo/Alarm
Topic: "Fitting" 6x9's in the back.
Replies: 4
Views: 1256

Re: "Fitting" 6x9's in the back.

I can go back to the stock round speakers at any time, and if I do then everything will be flush again. I don't really mind it considering you wouldn't even see the cut marks if it's sitting flush. I really don't expect anyone else to do this but I posted it because someone might.
by WaaX
October 9th, 2008, 9:19 pm
Forum: V6 Technical/Performance
Topic: KLZE is in, evrything ready to go but wont start
Replies: 3
Views: 227

Re: KLZE is in, evrything ready to go but wont start

Pull a spark plug out, wire connected, and ground off the plug to a part of your car (like the frame or something), check to see if youre getting spark.

If you are, and its still not starting, then your rotor is in the wrong position, play with it and hopefully she will start.

Good luck.
by WaaX
October 1st, 2008, 6:24 am
Forum: Car Stereo/Alarm
Topic: "Fitting" 6x9's in the back.
Replies: 4
Views: 1256

Re: "Fitting" 6x9's in the back.

A Set of 6.5 inch speakers would have fit in there no problem and give you better sound quality than the 6x9's

I'm aware of the differences between round and oval speakers, the 6x9's were the only extra speakers I had, and figured they would be better than stock for the time being. If and when I ...
by WaaX
September 20th, 2008, 10:32 pm
Forum: V6 Technical/Performance
Topic: Guess the milage of this K series V6 engine
Replies: 17
Views: 434

Re: Guess the milage of this K series V6 engine

You can see mild cam wear in the first engine. I'm guessing because of the topic the milleage is somewhere high up there, so I'm guessing 210,000 miles.
by WaaX
September 20th, 2008, 7:59 pm
Forum: V6 Technical/Performance
Topic: Hesitation, bucking, backfire
Replies: 7
Views: 388

Re: Hesitation, bucking, backfire

=D Congratulations.

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