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Exhaust fumes entering cabin

Posted: June 8th, 2016, 7:21 am
by RX8SE3P
When I drive my KLZE MX-3 up a hill and at speed (80kmph+) I will get a disgusting smell of what smells like exhaust fumes. This happens even with the air vents completely off.

I don't think have an exhaust leak but reading on probetalk, they mention boot vents and how they get stuck open and draft exhaust fumes back into the car.

Has anyone experienced this in their MX-3 and have any insight on the issue? My rear end was re painted some years ago after someone rear ended me and I'm wondering if the paint monkeys left some things out when they did their work....

Re: Exhaust fumes entering cabin

Posted: August 24th, 2017, 3:18 am
by MX_Sid
Only time I ever had exhaust in the cabin was years ago when the tiny rear window got shattered out. I would say check your hatch weather strip. It could be the little vents in the back. if you pop off your trunk liner you should be able to see them. I'm pretty sure they are in the rear corners. Def worth checking out. Let us know if you found the solution.

Re: Exhaust fumes entering cabin

Posted: October 29th, 2017, 11:53 pm
by toomanyangelz
my hatch colliding with a median during a washout on the highway. There is now a hole in my hatch. I encounter exhaust fumes at highway speeds gets a little hard to breathe every now and then.