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Cv Seized in Hub

Posted: July 21st, 2014, 3:25 pm
by SeanSpooky
My CV is stuck in my hub and wont come out at all.
Ive hammered it (wheel nut is destroyed bcz of all the hammering)
I just broke a new set of pullers
and I've used degreaser and WD40...
the picture shows all that it has moved.
Everything was crazy tight, it took like 350 kgs (had to use the cars weight) to get the wheel nut off.

Anyone every have this problem before? any tricks or have I forgetten to removed something?


Re: Cv Seized in Hub

Posted: July 22nd, 2014, 1:45 pm
by kulluminati777
I couldnt even get the CV bolt off my hubs. I needed to replace my wheel bearing and ended up buying 2 hubs from a car at the junk yard ( Alot of cars share the same front hubs) and one new CV joint. The one joint I could get from the hub had the wheel bearing so rusted in there it was fused together. Broke the press trying to get it out even. I bet your hubs are just as rusted as mine and they are not going to come off without heat. Which will damage the bearing and you will have to replace the hubs anyway.

Re: Cv Seized in Hub

Posted: July 23rd, 2014, 12:40 pm
by SeanSpooky
ja that sounds like mine :(
I found a AZ3 being broken outside dub, they have the cv sperated from the hud so i think ill grab them, 95 for both side cvs and hubs... not bad :D

Re: Cv Seized in Hub

Posted: July 23rd, 2014, 1:33 pm
by Sleeper6
You wouldnt be trying to remove it with the ball joint unhooked are you? If so that might be some of the problem, I knock mine with a BFH while its all attached to unseat them then they usally come apart easily when you unbolt the balljoint after. Otherwise not a bad price for replacing everything though!

Re: Cv Seized in Hub

Posted: July 23rd, 2014, 1:37 pm
by kulluminati777
Yeah that eupropean salt is no joke. I had a presso that the entire under carrage was dust from being in the UK for so long. Also alot of times people forget to put anti sieze on the hub splines. I shower my car in that stuff after running into so many issues with road salt and rust.

Re: Cv Seized in Hub

Posted: July 26th, 2014, 4:32 pm
by Jforce

Re: Cv Seized in Hub

Posted: July 27th, 2014, 11:12 am
by Daninski
Our wheel nuts are crazy hard to get off. I've found the drivers side never seems to be as bad as the passengers side. Some people dremel the nut off.