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XXX Rootbeer Meet - February 24th Issaquah

Posted: January 25th, 2013, 8:44 pm
by crazycanadian
Posting this from Clubprotege... I am thinking about heading down to it... Sounds like it should be fun.. It would be cool to get a nice mazda group going...
XXX Rootbeer Meet - February 24th Issaquah

On February 24, will be holding our first event of 2013 at XXX Rootbeer in Issaquah, WA. This is our first time organizing a meet at this location and it will differ from some of our past events in that it will not be a judged car show but a FREE meet for everyone.

RSVP here to be entered into the raffle:

As with all of our events, all makes and models of cars are welcome to attend.

It is important that everyone follows the rules for this meet.

No excessive revving
No burnouts
No racing
No littering

XXX Rootbeer has made it clear to us that if these rules are not followed, this will be the last time they allow an import car event at their business. If you notice someone breaking these rules, please notify an representative at the meet. If someone is found breaking these rules, they will not be welcome at future events.

RSVP here to be entered in the raffle:

If you are interested in being a sponsor or a vendor at this meet, please email

XXX Rootbeer Drive-in
Drift Office
AVO Turboworld

Re: XXX Rootbeer Meet - February 24th Issaquah

Posted: January 25th, 2013, 9:25 pm
by Mooneggs
Yeah I might come up for that!

Re: XXX Rootbeer Meet - February 24th Issaquah

Posted: February 10th, 2013, 11:13 pm
by crazycanadian
2 weeks away.. anyone else up for coming out?? Rob has confirmed with me that he's coming down... Hopefully its nice out so that he can bring out his really clean 323.. If you thought his Black one was clean at the NW meet you haven't seen anything yet..

Re: XXX Rootbeer Meet - February 24th Issaquah

Posted: February 12th, 2013, 5:29 pm
by Demonic1
I'm in.

Re: XXX Rootbeer Meet - February 24th Issaquah

Posted: February 23rd, 2013, 10:40 pm
by Demonic1
Pre-meet is @ 10am
Frys Electronics
800 Garden Ave N
Renton, WA 98057

East side of the lot between the Frys and the Lowes.

Re: XXX Rootbeer Meet - February 24th Issaquah

Posted: February 23rd, 2013, 11:25 pm
by crazycanadian
Rob and I are going to head straight to XXX Rootbeer for the meet... We will see you guys when you get there... we are going to show up early to get a spot.. They apparently only have room for about 300 or so cars..