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Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 19th, 2012, 3:36 am
by MrMazda92
I'll start this show off with my "favorite" hostess snack: TWINKIES!!!







This truly is the end of an era...

Of obesity. :lol:

......Well, okay it's Hostess, not McDonalds. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 19th, 2012, 7:58 am
by Savin
I'm a Little Debbie person. :P

Nutty Bars and Swiss Cake Rolls FTW!

Re: Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 19th, 2012, 10:27 am
by wytbishop
I haven't eaten a Twinkie in about 30 years. It's kinda brutal, but it doesn't affect me.

Re: Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 19th, 2012, 11:14 am
by MrMazda92
I love Nutty Bars, for junk food it's not too bad!! I haven't had one in years though...

It definitely is brutal!! :( I get this craving every few months, and it goes something like this "Omg, Twinkies look soooooo good!!", then I eat a Twinkie... Then I am seriously disappointed for a few more months until I forget. :lol:

Re: Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 19th, 2012, 8:44 pm
by crazycanadian
I have never eaten a twinky in my life...

Re: Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 19th, 2012, 10:04 pm
by kakarot135
It looks like hostess will be back, they announced talks with the bakery union are happening in the morning to stay open

Re: Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 20th, 2012, 1:29 am
by MrMazda92
Yay!! My weird bi-annual twinky ritual can continue!! :lol:

Re: Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 20th, 2012, 8:17 pm
by Daninski
Ho Ho's or Ding Dongs. Use to eat Flakies but then I heard you are what you eat so,,, Anyway, I heard the guy is still serving time for coming up with this one.


Not funny Pal, not funny at all. :confused2:

Re: Hostess Throwdown, post your Memes!!

Posted: November 21st, 2012, 1:29 am
by MrMazda92