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Questions regarding (JDM) mazda BPT engines and our mx3's

Posted: November 23rd, 2011, 8:34 pm
by the_twig_187
my question is... is swapping a jdm mazda bpt engine (out of a jap mazda 323) the same process as swapping a north american mazda protege BP engine?

or is there a lot more involved?

and yes i know the obvious like the whole turbo and IC install would be different but im asking if the mounts/harniss/f-series trans will bolt up kinda stuff

any experance or info is much appreciated

Re: Questions regarding (JDM) mazda BPT engines and our mx3'

Posted: November 23rd, 2011, 8:45 pm
by Daninski
I have no idea about BP's but as soon as I see turbo I have to ask how you plan to fuel manage? Your harness is OBD2 so can you get the ECU as well so you have the proper fuel maps and maybe even the harness?

Anyway here's the YouTube vid Chris made of a MX3 meet we had in 2010. :D

Re: Questions regarding (JDM) mazda BPT engines and our mx3'

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 5:01 am
by memphis9787
From what I have read the f-series trans will bolt up but ur better off getting the g-series as aparently the f is not as strong...

Im currently doing the JDM BPT swap into my B5 Eunos and Im going use the stock tranny which I believe is a G-series

Best of luck :D

Re: Questions regarding (JDM) mazda BPT engines and our mx3'

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 12:36 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Daninski wrote:Anyway here's the YouTube vid Chris made of a MX3 meet we had in 2010. :D
Nice link :lol:

Re: Questions regarding (JDM) mazda BPT engines and our mx3'

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 4:46 pm
by Evo_Spec
the process would be the same for swapping a BPT into a 92-95 mx3 but not into an OBD2 car, with an obd2 car i believe you have to swap the interior harness but i'm not completely sure as i've never done it but i swapped a BPT into my 94 mx3

Re: Hello guys!

Posted: December 4th, 2011, 4:43 pm
by wytbishop
MichealMogavero wrote:Nastepny etap to juz budowanie domu. domy drewniane
W tym miejscu najwazniejsze jest zatrudnienie wlasciwej brygady wykonawczej, która sie tym zajmie. Grunt by posiadala doswiadczenie w konstruowaniu tego rodzaju domów. Jest to istotne albowiem technologia takich domów jest inna niz szablonowych murowanych. Zarówno sposoby jak i wykorzystywane artykuly róznia sie. Domy drewniane sa przygotowywane w fabryce, wiernie z wczesniejszym planem architektonicznym. domy z drewna
Pózniej na przygotowanym uprzednio fundamencie dokonuje sie ich skladania. Ów gatunek technologii jest zwany równiez ekologicznym. domy z drewna
Budowa budynku drewnianego zmniejsza emisje dwutlenku wegla do atmosfery. Domy drewniane maja takze dobroczynne dzialanie jesli chodzi o uczuleniowców. Do budowy domu drewnianego stosuje sie przede wszystkim pólprodukty pochodzenia naturalnego, czyli drewno, plyty wiórowe, welne mineralna oraz plyty gipsowo-kartonowe.

Wbrew dominujacemu przekonaniu prawidlowo postawione i eksploatowane domy drewniane nie ustepuja trwaloscia tym murowanym.

That's what I was thinking but I didn't have the guts to just come out and say it.