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amazing trip home from work

Posted: August 11th, 2010, 11:43 pm
by kakarot135
Had to let you guys know about this one. on my way back to work from lunch my temp gauge started to climb pretty high. figured it was my thermostat that I was planning on replacing anyway (new one already in the garage just need time to install) so I shrugged it off, after all it was 97 degrees today. So then I start my drive home. it is about a 25 mile trip. I am still assuming that my thermostat is the issue so I am watching the gauge closely and not allowing the car to overheat. I stop several times on the way home to let the engine cool off, when it cooled down I continued my journey. Took me 45 minutes to get home with four separate stops to cool the motor.

So I get home and look under the hood and find that the Alt/ Water pump belt is gone. I remember now a loud squeal from a belt while driving to lunch then it stopped. I think that is when my belt broke. all in all I am really impressed that she made it all the way home without me noticing any loss of power since the alt wasn't spinning either.

the funny thing is that according to Auto Zone my battery needs to be replaced. When I got home and found the belt issue I tested the battery 12.24v.

Just thought I would share...


Re: amazing trip home from work

Posted: August 12th, 2010, 9:50 am
by Daninski
Lucky you took it easy. My buddy lost his belt and blew the engine. Bad for him good for me. I bought the car for $300 and ZE'd it. :D