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k sport on mx

Posted: May 18th, 2010, 6:04 pm
by mazda915
just showing u guys my mx on k sport .. in these pics i didnt preload it yet or adjust it so it wasnt done when pics where taken . hope u guys likey lol

so since some guys wated to see how it looks on an mx here it is

Re: k sport on mx

Posted: May 18th, 2010, 10:22 pm
by solo_ryder
Hey thx! They look great. Are you able to get a shot of the front setup between the bottom of the strut and the cv axle boot? I wanna see the gap there.

Anyways, I really want a set of these one day but I'm super scared to blow them as my bro blew like 3/4 in a month.. But they were the protege units.. The first gen of them

Re: k sport on mx

Posted: May 19th, 2010, 4:50 pm
by mazda915
no prob man . but yea you should feels great and love the handing but there is plenty of space Bro just like the stock oem . but yea man you got to preload the spring and not compress it W/T the locking rings cuz that how the strut will blow the spring has to be loose able to move around W/T your hand easily . just some heads up .

Re: k sport on mx

Posted: May 19th, 2010, 9:43 pm
by solo_ryder
mazda915 wrote:no prob man . but yea you should feels great and love the handing but there is plenty of space Bro just like the stock oem . but yea man you got to preload the spring and not compress it W/T the locking rings cuz that how the strut will blow the spring has to be loose able to move around W/T your hand easily . just some heads up .
W/T? Can you explain that again more carefully?

Re: k sport on mx

Posted: May 20th, 2010, 5:19 pm
by mazda915
you know there is three locking rings for the strut right and the spring . to preload the spring means for the spring not to be tight with the locking ring under it . it cant be tight only hand tight and when u lock it with the spring u have to be able to move the spring round and round in a circle like if its loose . if u cant move it with ur hands and the spring is to tight agaist the locking ring below it thats not good so adjusting the spring to move with ur hands with out any heavy force appied that is called "preload " the spring . trust me i had to call ksport to make sure and sure enough they said what i just said . cuz if not and the spring is to tight like stiff with the locking ring below it , it will blow the strut . once u buy the k sport they already come ready so dont even mess with it just adjust the height from the bottom knuckel mount .

Re: k sport on mx

Posted: May 20th, 2010, 5:46 pm
by _-Night-Shade-_
mazda915 wrote: Image
I spy a coolant leak! :P

Re: k sport on mx

Posted: May 20th, 2010, 11:15 pm
by mazda915
ha ha yeah i know i had one a while back and it got like a sluge green in the cold temp i never cleaned it til i noticed it

Re: k sport on mx

Posted: May 22nd, 2010, 6:31 am
by WhiteFinish
Be carefull when you attach/modify the bracket for your brakelines ... hp?t=10308" onclick=";return false;