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where can I get cheap cones for autocross?

Posted: April 29th, 2010, 11:17 pm
by Mooneggs
So the NW MX-3 crew is in the market to get a bunch of orange traffic cones to practice our autocross skills on our own time... but where can we get a bunch of traffic cones for cheap? anybody have any ideas? Probably looking to get at least 50 but will get alot more if they are available for a cheap price...

I've already been looking on google and professional sites and about the best price I can find for 12" cones is around $5 a piece...

I don't even care if they are used! as long as they are still mostly orange and visible... :shrug: I did find this cool government auction that would have been perfect but it's too far away anyways... ... acctID=561" onclick=";return false;

Re: where can I get cheap cones for autocross?

Posted: April 30th, 2010, 12:19 am
by ice_mann
This is the best that i could find, they are only 7 inch cones but come in a set of 96. ... 5ad8704adf" onclick=";return false;

Re: where can I get cheap cones for autocross?

Posted: April 30th, 2010, 11:11 pm
by Sleeper6
Just a thought but can you contact the local road crews to get them? Im kind of curious b/c we have this big abandoned parking lot near me and I was hoping to put something together and have been debating going over to their repair facility to inquire about it.

Re: where can I get cheap cones for autocross?

Posted: May 1st, 2010, 2:25 am
by _-Night-Shade-_
Steal some from a construction site :P

Re: where can I get cheap cones for autocross?

Posted: May 1st, 2010, 10:37 am
by pox
Go to any sporting goods store. They should be with the soccer stuff. =]

Re: where can I get cheap cones for autocross?

Posted: May 1st, 2010, 12:27 pm
by Mooneggs
lol if I was going to steal them I would have done it already :roll:

and remember guys they need to be durable enough if we run over them it won't destroy them haha I think the 96 ones and the soccer ones would just shatter if we ran over them :|

I do like the idea of contacting road crews... hmmm or maybe checking with the local municipalities...

Re: where can I get cheap cones for autocross?

Posted: May 1st, 2010, 1:11 pm
by fowljesse
I've seen about 10 cones in the past year along the freeway, obviously abandoned. Every time, I assess the possibility of pulling over, and grabbing them. They were never accessible enough, but I'll get a little more bold. I've nabbed a tarp, and other things.
I could break into the yard where I met with the crew to do my "Work Crew" community service for court. They had plenty of cones.


Re: where can I get cheap cones for autocross?

Posted: May 1st, 2010, 1:27 pm
by _-Night-Shade-_
They're doing construction on my street right now and there's a sh*tload of cones just sitting there hahaha.