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Posted: November 23rd, 2009, 11:42 pm
by mikeetown
If there are no trouble codes for VRIS then are they good?? or is that not actually necesarrily true. I'm going to a scrap yard to get these stupid thing( awesome things) and swap them to see if i get more torque. My vacume lines are good. The vris looks clean also?????????????????????????????????????????????

I need to know what you guys know about VRIS probs??


Posted: November 23rd, 2009, 11:50 pm
by Ryan

What made you decide they were bad?

If you stand over the motor, and pull the throttle, do the acutators move? If they move, they're good. The daiphram in them might break, or the solenoid might break. Thats about it.


Posted: November 24th, 2009, 10:32 am
by jmdearras
Yea, they were the first things I noticed when I started my GS for the first time. Easy to tell if they are working!


Posted: November 24th, 2009, 7:28 pm
by mitmaks
hook up vacuum gauge and check them, don't need to buy them if yours are good


Posted: November 25th, 2009, 8:26 pm
by mikeetown
i understand what u mean now. THey work so i guess that solves that. I guess i need a new EGR valve then?????//

are EGR valves interchangable between ford probe/mx-6 KL-DE between my K8-DE???


Posted: November 25th, 2009, 8:55 pm
by Slammed6
Take the VRIS solenoids and put 12v and a ground to the two prongs you should hear it "click" like a relay. If they don't click they are no good.


Posted: November 25th, 2009, 9:58 pm
by Mad Cow
I thought VRIS only worked at WOT, or is that just in the probe?


Posted: November 25th, 2009, 10:01 pm
by jmdearras
Mad Cow wrote:I thought VRIS only worked at WOT, or is that just in the probe?
No, you can operate the throttle under the hood and watch them operate. two or three steps, I forget which.


Posted: November 25th, 2009, 10:14 pm
by Daninski
mikeetown wrote:i understand what u mean now. THey work so i guess that solves that. I guess i need a new EGR valve then?????//

are EGR valves interchangable between ford probe/mx-6 KL-DE between my K8-DE???
One dosen't relate to the other. WTF kind of questions are you asking. VRIS then EGR? Your either on drugs or totally misinformed. As far as any of the other answers, your in need of further automotive education. Man do some investigation. Posts like this are about as uninformed as they get. As for the rest of you read the post first. I honestly can't believe we've sunk to this level.


Posted: November 25th, 2009, 10:18 pm
by Daninski
VRIS operates at two different RPM's and I refuse to say what they are. EGR? Just what is your problem besides being a total,,,nice guy ? This post make me wonder why we even entertain such questions and I'm being polite, really. God help me.

Oh and by the way EGR's are not inter changeable. Different configurations.


Posted: November 25th, 2009, 11:26 pm
by mikeetown
listen buddy, im a chem major in 2nd year university and i work 2 jobs so i can have a car. I've owned an mx3 for 1 month and i dont know anything about VRIS, and if people on this site help me with any info its gives me more time to study for exams so i can work on my car less.

Thats my situation so take your bad attitude somewhere else. I'm NO mechanic and nor will i ever be, and i have no time to mess around mech books when i have a full course load, exams in 1.5 weeks and so on. I just want my mx3 v6 power so i can enjoy my car. Im poor so what can you expet than for me to repain stuff myself with help from here??


Posted: November 26th, 2009, 9:58 am
by Ryan
Oh oh! sob story time!

I'm a university student with two jobs, a single mother, and no student loans.

I know enough shiz about this car to do almost any sort of modification or repair.

So maybe I don't have time to write out step-by-step answers to your common question.

Danny here, mr 'bad attitude' is also a busy guy. He works full days, and cares for his little girl all the same. He doesn't have time to entertain you either.


Posted: November 26th, 2009, 4:29 pm
by Daninski
Ok let me put it this way. Tell us what the problem is and we'll try our best to help. Frankly I don't care what your majoring or minoring in for that matter. Your 'difficult' life is just a dream for some people out there so appreciate what you have and stop moaning to us about it. By the way I commend you for your efforts to get an education.


Posted: November 26th, 2009, 5:30 pm
by mitmaks
If you don't have mechanical knowledge, take it to mechanic! Before you make things worse have someone who knows what they're doing fix it for you. There's even online shop manual so you can fix/diagnose problem step-by-step.