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need help with my 93 1.6

Posted: August 31st, 2008, 3:37 pm
by picklo61
hello, im in trouble, i recently bought my first car a 93 1.6 litre mx-3, and i gotta switch up the water pump, but i cant get my main pulley off, i heared you have to give it a good crack with a power bar, but i cant get it off cause the pulley always moves, how am i sapost to remove the pulley without it moving?

Re: need help with my 93 1.6

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 1:16 am
by Ryan
first off, try posting in the right forum, seccond, put the car in gear and get someone to stand on the brakes.

Re: need help with my 93 1.6

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 5:11 am
by stephen-mx3
ouch, you got served!

Re: need help with my 93 1.6

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 8:07 am
by marcdh
air torque wrench may work, but it didn't for my old k8, even at 350lbs :? The way I got mine off was the ghetto dangerous way :lol: Here's mine about to get the might of my starter motor! You probably want to disconnect the fuel relay or something to make sure it doesn't start though.


Just set the wrench in line with the direction of the pulleys axis and have the end of the bar touching the ground. The breaker bar has nowhere to go, meaning the bolt has to spin off. I accept no responsibility for any destruction caused!