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problem with my car electrical..

Posted: August 26th, 2008, 1:00 pm
by kenken
hello everyone. i have a problem with my car here. Sometimes when i am driving, i press my brake pedal, my CD player turns off and on again, same thing happens to my headlights. it's like the brake lights are drawing too much current from the battery. my clock and cd player setting always resets. This only happens once in a while. BTW, i have relocated my battery to the back. Can this be the cause? I have already put extra grounding cables. So grounding shouldn't be the problem. PLEASE HELP. THANK YOU.

Re: problem with my car electrical..

Posted: August 26th, 2008, 1:21 pm
by wytbishop
I had this exact problem in an old Nissan Pulsar I used to own. Turns out the speedo drive hub behind the speedo gauge exploded and the fluid leaked all over the circuit board. The entire dash was grounding itself through the framework of the dash and when I pressed the brake pedal the circuit would be broken...killing everything.

Took me a long time to track that one down. Perhaps something in your dash is short cicuiting through the brake pedal.

Re: problem with my car electrical..

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 7:06 am
by kenken
so how do i check circuits? i don't know anything about electrical... this problem is very annoying..