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Rockband rebuild: the Worklog

Posted: August 11th, 2008, 7:15 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2
Hey, thought this might be usefull to someone at some point in time.

So the other day a bunch of us decided to rock out after UFC. This was all well and good, fortified by plenty of "rock juice." It was about 02:30 when my kick pedal decided to crap out half way through a song. I'd only had rock band for about 2 months. So, I was pissed. --- and then I got angry. Super glue worked for a couple of songs (best one can come up with in that state). I went on good ol' ebay the following day and seen replacements for $30 usd and another 30.00 for shipping.... Not being one to like waiting for the mailman, I got to work. Here is the work log for the repairs.

The damage:
The super glue killed my pivot point... go figure.
Time to add a little extra.... 16guage steel should do the trick.
I grabbed some skateboard/friction tape to add that little extra. I have to cover the rivits and clean up some sharpie marks... but she works great. It's also about twice the wieght now, which works fine for me.

Oh... just as I was about to put the tap on to finish up, the wife sez she has the reciept and it has a 60 day warranty.

Re: Rockband rebuild: the Worklog

Posted: August 11th, 2008, 7:26 pm
by Mooneggs
nice writeup

Re: Rockband rebuild: the Worklog

Posted: August 11th, 2008, 11:09 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2
now finished

Re: Rockband rebuild: the Worklog

Posted: August 26th, 2008, 2:03 am
by glow
sweet job man. i'll have to suggest that to my friend when his pedal goes. they're notorious for breaking.