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off topic vs. real topic

Posted: July 15th, 2008, 3:36 pm
by Gods Father
it seems to me like a lot of people on here are more about the "off-topic" section than the sections that actually mean something...i just looked at all my last posts and the ones with the most views and most answers are in this section...obviously ive taken part in this myself and i am now...but cmon people lets try to get some learning and helping going on in the real sections instead of all this mindless BS :|

Re: off topic vs. real topic

Posted: July 15th, 2008, 5:21 pm
by fowljesse
Heheh. Well, there isn't much new... Almost any question that comes up has been discussed, and can be found in a search. I don't do "off-topic" much, but can understand why people do. We have an interesting group of people on here, and many people stay, or come back, after not having an MX-3 any more. Innovations in general are hard to come by. I'm hoping that my aero, and polycarbonate stuff inspires some people, but I've got so many projects, I'm not getting them done right away.

Re: off topic vs. real topic

Posted: July 15th, 2008, 7:20 pm
by Mooneggs
maybe I'm not normal but I usually go straight to "view new posts" as opposed to going to just one section :shrug:

but I am an addict and I'm on here every day 8)

Re: off topic vs. real topic

Posted: July 15th, 2008, 10:25 pm
by Savin
[quote="Mooneggs"]maybe I'm not normal but I usually go straight to "view new posts" as opposed to going to just one section :shrug: quote]

You are normal Moons! To a certain degree. :wink: I do the same thing, I go straight for the "View new posts()" and usually look at EVERY new post. I 'm either that bored or like to learn.

Re: off topic vs. real topic

Posted: July 18th, 2008, 4:44 am
by SuperK
I browse through mostly all topics, (forced induction scares me)
But I do tend to favor off-topic.

I understand this is a "car forum"

but however, I feel it's more of a community.

And as I understand it, there's a lot more to a car's owner then there is to his car.

Making both topics of equal importance.

But even though this sounds like a well-thought-out reply...

...I just like attention.