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Strange Instant Messages and... "Meaningful" Dreams

Posted: June 11th, 2008, 9:35 pm
by SuperK
So I got bored tonight. My roommate crashed on the couch, and my friend crashed on the floor... so I'm just staring at my screen, watch a few videos, get bored, try to talk to some people on messenger... try to talk to people on myspace... and everyone's just not there. So I get so bored I just start typing to someone who's not there... and I thought it was kinda (wrong) funny...

9:20:32 PM: woman! What the heck? TALK TO ME!
9:20:41 PM: .... FINE, I'm just going to go to sleep.
9:20:52 PM: because, sleep likes hanging out with me, at least
9:21:06 PM: always excited to see me, "Oh, it's you again! haven't seen you in a while!" it says
9:21:18 PM: and I'm like, "yeah, whatever, I'm not here to stay for long"
9:21:38 PM: and sleep is all acting crazy like, "but, there are so many adventures to go on!"
9:22:10 PM: And I go all frustrated at him and reply, "Oh sure, they're interesting all right, UNTIL YOU QUIT THEM RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BEST PARTS!"
9:22:23 PM: and stomp angrily out of my bed
9:22:32 PM: but sometimes, sleep really knows how to get to me
9:23:00 PM: and once in a long while, one of those little adventures involves some really hot chick.. and... hehe...
9:23:24 PM: ... until the best part. then my arch-nemesis, MR. Alarm comes and effs EVERYTHING up
9:24:17 PM: and I get up and yell, "SH-----------------T! NO COME BACK!" and try to resume the erm... adventure... but it's over! It's DONE! but.... but! I want to go back! I WANNA GO BACK SO BAD!
9:24:43 PM: sleep's such an arse, but still I hang out with him.
9:25:04 PM: not as much as I want.... or need, but I hang out with him from time to time. sometimes there's no one else to hang out with, so I mean, what's the harm?
9:25:15 PM: so anyways, with that said, I'm going to go hang out with him some more
9:25:25 PM: ... since no one else will...
9:25:34 PM: :( buh bye.

then I realized somewhere in the middle.... I said something REALLY REALLY awkward. but it was too late to change it.

Re: Strange Instant Messages that go...

Posted: June 11th, 2008, 11:13 pm
by tmac4t4
LOL!! :lol:

Re: Strange Instant Messages that go...

Posted: June 11th, 2008, 11:49 pm
by Ryan
You have no idea how much I understand that whole sleep and arch nemisis wrecking the awesome dreams.... awesome dreams.... awesome.... and yeah, if you don't know who you sent that to very well, then its pretty awkward... ahah...

Re: Strange Instant Messages that go...

Posted: June 12th, 2008, 7:41 am
by 94drumx3
haha!! lol!
i could almost swear i've done the same thing before!!

Re: Strange Instant Messages that go...

Posted: June 13th, 2008, 3:00 pm
by Mooneggs
to sum up this thread in one word: awkward :confused2:

Re: Strange Instant Messages that go...

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 3:55 am
by Vanished

I've done this before. And peopel have done it to me.

Oh and about the dream thing, It's happened before too...the dream is soooo GOood.

Exempt its not a dream whammy.

Re: Strange Instant Messages that go...

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 10:55 am
by SuperK
Speaking of dreams... off topic... when I was a little'un, I used to suffer from the whole "reocurring dream" syndrome.

You know, where you have the identical dream that comes back often (running from bugs bunny every week, ect)

I used to fall off this cliff at least once every week, same cliff. Looked like I was at a canyon of some sort (I went to providence canyon once, I think that's it)

Fall off, LONG way down, bam, wake up before the bottom. Had it for years until....

I was sort of on/off my bed one night and BAM! I hit the floor RIGHT before I hit the bottom.

I didn't soil myself, but it did scare me sh*tless.

Re: Strange Instant Messages that go...

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 12:42 pm
by Savin
LMAO!!^^ :lol: I've definitely had that reocurring dream thing. When I was little, the Aliens movies used to scare me so bad, not sh*tless or anything, but yeah.... Anyway, Id have the dreams about getting killed by the aliens. I'd have these dreams over and over again, even if I hadn't seen the movie in a year. I'd always wake up RIGHT before I died though, it really P*ssed me off. Come on now, if I'm gonna die in a dream, LET ME DIE! It always sucks when you wake up right before/as its happening, lol.

I thought I'd take part in story time. :) Stories are so much fun. :mrgreen:

Re: Strange Instant Messages that go...

Posted: June 16th, 2008, 12:48 pm
by Mooneggs
SuperK wrote:Speaking of dreams... off topic... when I was a little'un, I used to suffer from the whole "reocurring dream" syndrome.
I too had one of these dreams growing up... only I wasn't falling off a cliff... instead there were massive boulders falling on me and I would wake up screaming and crap LOL

you should rename this thread "dreams - find out what them mean here" or something :D

Re: Strange Instant Messages and... "Meaningful" Dreams

Posted: June 17th, 2008, 1:23 pm
by tmac4t4
whenever im sick, or am getting sick, like the flu or something, which doesnt happen often, but when it does, i have this dream that im running from giant bolders that are trying to run me down, indiana jones style..its very odd, and only happens when im ill, or becoming ill, the whole dream just consists of me running for my life, but only ever being a step or two ahead of the bolders at all times, its very odd and ive had these dreams for as long as i could remember :freak:

Re: Strange Instant Messages and... "Meaningful" Dreams

Posted: June 17th, 2008, 1:59 pm
by SuperK
Oh, how bout... Dreams where you're SO tired in your dream, you can't open your eyes.

Ever have one of those? You're SOOO FREAKING TIRED in the dream, you literally can't force your eyes open for more than a split second. Oh my god I hate those dreams. Something intresting happens, or you have to get somewhere, but you CAN'T SEE! you struggle and struggle to just peep ONE eye open... come on, open, please! and you get your eye open...

... only to see out hazily and bam. It's like there's a weight on your eyelid that PULLS it down in force. And you can't see anymore.

You are also super groggy and such, so ALL your senses are impaired.

Re: Strange Instant Messages and... "Meaningful" Dreams

Posted: June 17th, 2008, 2:32 pm
by Flyer
Meanwhile, I have had people who spent one hour talking to my autoreply away message...