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ATX to MTX conversion

Posted: May 17th, 2008, 4:52 pm
by Spotted
Ok, I need help from the community. I was wondering if anyone knew what would be the best trans to "trans"plant into my 94 RS 1.6, or what will work well in it. I currently have an auto in it and hate it. I need to upgrade the trans as I plan to install a turbo into it later.
I expect that I will get flamed a lot, but I have done my research on this and really could not find much info on it. I did find write ups on the swap, but no info on what was put in.
I was wondering what I would need for the swap also.
Thanks in advance, and let the flaming begin!!
Also, would I need the trans computer from the manual donor?

Re: ATX to MTX conversion

Posted: May 17th, 2008, 5:09 pm
by se7en
well, I can help with one part....manual trans cars don't have computers :)