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auto klze ?

Posted: January 12th, 2008, 1:38 pm
by bp_turbo94
i got a 92 GS but its auto , so i was wonder if i get a klze with a auto tranny is it going to be worth it or im i just going to wish it was a manual, i thought that if i get the tranny rebuilt that if would be just as good as a manual.

does n e one think this will be good enought or should i go to manal?

Re: auto klze ?

Posted: January 12th, 2008, 1:43 pm
by fowljesse
Even if you could get an auto to hold up, which seems doubtful, it would kill the "zoom-zoom", IMO!
As Janet Jackson said, before her boobie ruined her career, "I wanna be the one in control".

Re: auto klze ?

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 3:10 am
by studboy13
im in the same situation, only i didnt think about it before i bought the engine, im gonna start it up for the first time sometime this week. i will tell you how it goes. i asked the same question a few months ago, people told me to get a good tranny cooler and a new valve body. ill tell you how it goes though

Re: auto klze ?

Posted: January 14th, 2008, 3:27 pm
by Tunes67
The stock MX-3 GS ATX's were not designed to stand up to the torque & power of the ZE. Even if you get it rebuilt.. it wont last long. And I doubt there are many shops that can beef up the strength of the tranny either. The ATX's out of the Millenia and the ones that come with some ZE motors are all to big to fit in the MX-3. Dunno about the Probe ATX.. but I would suspect the same from it and the MX-6 ones. If you are hellbent on trying the ATX with your ZE.. Get a GOOD tranny cooler, one with its own fan. And one that has a good capacity for tranny fluid. The key to longevity (if its even possible) will be keeping the fluid cool and clean. So expect to have to change the tranny fluid frequently.

In essence.. the 5spd is the better option. More reliable and weighs 100lbs less even. The trade off is that its more work to install it. But in the end.. its worth it. I can speak from experience on that one too ;) Even if I dont have a ZE.. I converted from ATX to MTX and even that made a huge performance difference :)


Re: auto klze ?

Posted: January 16th, 2008, 7:54 pm
by Aston Wards
Probably best to swap both engine AND tranny now, the price of getting the auto upgrade plus the penalty of driving an auto anyway makes swapping to 5spd the best idea....., why take the gamble that the auto will hold up? thats my opinion anyway...., and also, the tranny will go into 'safe mode' because it isn't compatible with the KL ecu...., it can be overcome though, it just needs more money lol! :roll:

Re: auto klze ?

Posted: January 17th, 2008, 6:28 pm
by bp_turbo94
thxs guys i guess ill be swapin it after my rs is complete, i just hope it anit gonna cost like over 5 grand :(