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Mercedes Stealership Gets Owned for trying to rip off

Posted: June 7th, 2007, 9:38 pm
by glow

Scam or accident, you decide...

Posted: June 7th, 2007, 11:23 pm
by Hoodzy

Posted: June 8th, 2007, 1:43 am
by glow
it was hidden video of a mercedes owner going into the mercedes paying $165 for estimate and the service guy says the sunroof is totally f'd up, wires and all, complete mess...and that he would need to have it replaced with a new sunroof for $6500, and that their "certified" mechanics checked and verified it...

the car owner kept on asking are you sure these guys are verified, I wouldn't want to pay $6500 for a new sunroof if he didn't need one, the service rep kept reassuring him these guys know what they're doing, they're certified, etc....

then the guy busts him saying he took his car down the street to some small shop and they said it was just a rock stuck in the sunroof, nothing was messed up, took the rock out and the roof worked perfectly...then the ownage of the service rep ensues as the car owner demands answers and the service rep just looks stupid.... vid said the mechanics there get paid $115/hr ... i guess it's to sucker car owners...i wonder if that guy was threatened by the dealership to remove the link...

i found it interesting b/c this was the dealership off Broadway and Hemlock in vancouver...

Posted: June 10th, 2007, 4:27 am
by glow

Posted: June 12th, 2007, 2:58 am
by Tunes67
Thats why I do my own car work. Cant trust anyone these days. If the price is good.. they usually dont have a clue.. its always expensive for someone that knows their stuff and then there are the scammers. I always used to make fun of the people that buy a new car every 3 years just so they dont have to worry about stuff like that.. but you know.. if all you want is basic transportation and dont want to have to dink with stuff yourself.. they might be the smart ones LOL
