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problem went trying to accelrate!

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 2:44 pm
by splitfire_101
hi everyone i hope someone can help me!

im having trouble with my klde when i'm driving (say normaly) everything cool..... but once i down shift and step on it. It has a kind of lag filling to it
(a bad lag) allmost like if sound like it want's to go (meening speed) but it slowdowns frist than takes off intel 7.800 rpm no probleme

the problem haping when my klde hits between 4500 rpm intel 5500rmp than its find.

i changed every thing from spark plug's, cap, rotor and wirering and still know change....

i had once a bad skipping and it stop by its self.... can somme help me
because if not im going to sell it if i can fix it ....

Posted: May 11th, 2007, 4:08 pm
by hgallegos915
When was the last time you replaced the timing belt? I would lean more towards a bad vris solenoid that is not opening properly. When was the last tune up? any background on the car? Fuel filter? air filter? I would say vris. Have you checked for check engine light codes?

Posted: May 12th, 2007, 1:42 am
by splitfire_101
thx i will stop at the garage and do a tune up and have him plug it and get somme code

and ppl were saying that i could be a folty disty

Posted: May 12th, 2007, 8:05 am
by IRISHmx-3
couold it be clutch?

Posted: May 13th, 2007, 12:06 am
by wvurubberducky
[quote="IRISHmx-3"]couold it be clutch?[/quote

my clutch was bad when i bought my 92 gs, when accelerating it would seeem as if it was in nuetral and rev then grab and take off like it shold have. If this is the case you are going to have to replace your cluthc soon as it might be a sign of it just starting to slip. Did you happen to put an aftermarket clutch in it when you swapped to the klde?? such as a ford probe gt clutch or did you use your k8 one? I was discussing a klde swap froma 626 this summer previosly and was told the k8 clutch cannot handle the extra torque/power and will eventually burn out. Hope this helps.