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MX-3 Meet In washington April 21st

Posted: March 31st, 2007, 5:19 pm
by superman_t11
Everyone that owns a mx-3 and lives in Washington State or near Washington should definitely attend. I'm trying to organize this meet so anyone that is interested please respond.

Posted: April 5th, 2007, 9:55 pm
by Josh
Im definatly in, but i will have to bring the 8. the mx is down for a bit.

Posted: April 5th, 2007, 10:02 pm
by mitmaks
I might come, depending what will be that weekend and if I can spare some $$ on gas

Posted: April 6th, 2007, 2:58 pm
by Tunes67
I am up for it :2thumbsup: Just say where :) I'll be driving my RS since construction is still continuing on my GS. Cheers :)


Where to meet

Posted: April 6th, 2007, 6:34 pm
by superman_t11
As of now it will probably be in Everett. I'm open to any suggestions though. If anyone has a better place that would be easier for everyone to meet up then lemme know.

Posted: April 6th, 2007, 7:17 pm
by Tunes67
Everett is sweet n easy for me considering I live there ;) LOL We could move south a bit if any of the Oregonians wanna join up as well :)


Posted: April 7th, 2007, 4:07 pm
by cjthor
Tunes67 wrote:Everett is sweet n easy for me considering I live there ;) LOL We could move south a bit if any of the Oregonians wanna join up as well :)


Posted: April 13th, 2007, 8:48 pm
by Tunes67
So where are we gonna set this meet at? Unfortunately.. once I get south of Seattle I dont have a clue about locations. But if you guys give me a Name & Address.. Me and google can find it just fine :D


Posted: April 16th, 2007, 3:58 pm
by Tunes67
Saturday is rapidly approaching guys.. we gonna do this? Its cool if not.. I'll just dink with my GS :)



Posted: April 16th, 2007, 5:14 pm
by ogtff
I,m in give me an Address

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 5:29 pm
by cjthor
if only it was closer...

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 5:34 pm
by Tunes67
I hear ya Jarid.. When I have my GS on the road.. I will do some scouting for places further south so we can do a 1/2 way meet sometime this summer :)



Posted: April 19th, 2007, 1:37 pm
by ogtff
Is the meet on or not ?
if so need an address so I can show up,
and meet other mx3ers

Posted: April 19th, 2007, 1:57 pm
by Tunes67
It's looking like it would just be the two of us.. and while meeting another fellow MX-3er would be cool and all.. well.. I got a lot of work to do on my GS still. So unless others pop up here and get active real quick.. I am just gonna spend the day dinkin with my GS and wait for a summer meet. Maybe even drive up and see the canucks ;)



Posted: April 20th, 2007, 11:40 pm
by superman_t11
where is a good place in everett to meet? Im not the most familar with the area.