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i live in dubois PA

Posted: February 20th, 2007, 12:05 am
by delpy32
anyone on here live around Dubois PA...
like to meet up with some other mxrs...ive had mine fore like 8 months and have not seen another one yet...

Posted: May 26th, 2007, 2:43 pm
by hotsiit
Hey...not sure where in PA that is, but I am around the Allentown area.
lately I have been seeing less and less mx's around as the years go by :(

Re: i live in dubois PA

Posted: June 1st, 2008, 9:08 pm
by spiderpig17
Im in the York PA area, and unlike my pal from Allentown Ive actually been to Dubois, do you travel much to this part of the state? I sure dont go to Dubois often, but I will be in Centre county in late July. Maybe we can meet up somewhere in between our locations? I dont travel as much as I used to, but once my cars running good I will have no excuses not too. What kind of MX3 do you have? I had a 95 RS 5speed before this GS model.

Re: i live in dubois PA

Posted: June 12th, 2008, 10:23 pm
by spiderpig17
any1 else?

Re: i live in dubois PA

Posted: October 13th, 2011, 4:02 pm
by jeffs93toy
im about ten minutes from williamsport... i know ive seen the dubois sign on the highway around here though...

Re: i live in dubois PA

Posted: September 25th, 2013, 5:02 am
by [LVPA]93GsSe
I'm with hotsiit near atown.

Re: i live in dubois PA

Posted: January 13th, 2016, 10:35 am
by MugenReplica
New to the group....

Several years ago I purchased a 1993 Raspberry GS, 5 speed with black leather interior to serve as a secondary driver and winter vehicle. At the time I did not have sufficient knowledge to realize what I had and drove it for a couple of years very sparsily and decided to sell it for $900.00 back the gentleman I purchased if from...(according to him he really missed the car). Other than the car leaving me stranded a couple of time due to a fautly distributor and a several coolant leaks while driving I look back now in my late 30's and remember how much I actually enjoyed driving it when I had the time.

Having said that, I am currently starting to look for a nice little project MX3 GS with a 5 speed an 1.8 V6 K8. Does anybody in PA know of any for sale that aren't either WAY overpriced or beat to hell?