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help my alternator has fallen and and it cant get up!

Posted: November 12th, 2006, 1:39 pm
by boniclyd
Hey guys my car finally just would not crank.
I took it to autozone and the alternator and battery were both bad!!!!!!!!
SO I have installed the new battery and then I took the old alternator apart from the car, the only problem is: HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET IT OUT?
I can't get this thing out for nothing top or bottom.
What do I need to remove to get the old one out?
Also any adivce on installing the new one would be the greatest!!!!!

PLease help, you know how it is, I worked a grave yard shift, just got home at 7am to find out my MXer wont start and now here I'm at 12 noon still up trying to shock the life back into her.


Posted: November 12th, 2006, 2:47 pm
by Bumpysbro
unplug the CAT from the exhuast and get underneath and drop it out, its a tight fit but theres just enough room.

Posted: November 12th, 2006, 7:15 pm
by Darcy
Funny, I could get it out of my BP with no problem... just had to remove a few hoses and such. I forget the B6, but on the BP, it comes out easier up top.

Posted: November 13th, 2006, 1:44 am
by boniclyd
ok so unbolt the cat (two bolts) and move it to the side. THen is should come out, thank you. Any advice about installing the new alternator would be a life saver. As fas as the belt goes? Getting the tension right?
Thanks for any help

Posted: November 13th, 2006, 3:32 am
by Bumpysbro
ya unbolt the cat, move it aside and just reach under there there are 2 front mounting bolts and the tensioner bolt on the back end of it and 1 in the very back on the bottom that goes through the axle mounting thing. not sure what its called. and pull it out and when you put the new one in put all the bolts in but dont torque them down. theres a tensioner bolt on the back side of the ALT. tighten that one to tighten the tension on the belt, its gotta be pretty tight my belt would squeal all the time and it happened from not being tight enough. put the connections on and start her up, if it squeals then you may need to tighten it some more. but that should be it.

Posted: November 13th, 2006, 5:02 am
by boniclyd
Thanks a lot man. I will be doing it just as soon as I get off work this morning.
I will let you know how it goes.
The new ALT is a 70amp, I hope this keeps my lights from dimming when I apply the brakes.
THen again I will just be happy if I get it running smooth.
Heyhave you ever had this problem: WHen it is idleing it will drop from 800rpm to about 500rpm. It does not do it all the time, just sometimes and mostly when it has ran for a while, like at a stop light.

Thanks for your help

Posted: November 13th, 2006, 3:59 pm
by Bumpysbro
ive had my car since last august and it seemed to do this almost all the time, i rebuilt it, new clutch, all new sensors, new ignition setup, alt, CAI and still seems to idle weird lol i think its IAC valve under the throttle body but its like $400 for it. i just seem to live with it. do you have any other power robbing things running? i have a 1800watt system and it dimms mine pretty bad but if i dont its fine. you can switch in a v6 90amp alternator to your car if it still dims. ya if you have any problems just dont hesitate to post it. for your idle you can check your TPS(throttle position sensor), check for cracks in your intake boot if you dont have CAI, you can pull codes from the diagnostics box in your engine bay, could be a water temp sensor or a 02 sensor as well as those other things. good luck with it :)

Posted: November 13th, 2006, 8:44 pm
by boniclyd
Well I started to try to remove the cat today, so far I got the nuts off and both spring and one stud.
ONe of the threaded studs is stuck keeping me from removing the cat.
I've used Wd40 to try to get it to losen but no luck.
Any suggestion? Thanks

This sucks major, I need to get my ride going.

Posted: November 14th, 2006, 1:38 am
by Bumpysbro
ahh ya the dreaded cat bolts, i had the exact same problem. one came off with ease and the other the bolt was stuck in there but the spring came off with no problem. what i did, i dremeled just enough off of the bolt so i could slide it off but enough room to put it back. all you really need is one section on and the bolt to go through the hole of the cat. thats what i did otherwise i could do my clutch, alt and some other fixes. if you want i can take a pic of what i did for ya. just cut enough off so you can slide it out if you cut too much off you cant put it back on and it will hang to one side. sorry kind of confusing.

Posted: November 14th, 2006, 4:44 am
by boniclyd
OK I see what your saying, hey thats pretty good.
I dont have a dremmel but I can probaly borrow one.
Yeah if you got pics please post them.
Thanks for your help.

I was going to try to heat it up with a torch today.
I've already broke a pair of vice grips trying to get it off.

Thanks a lot for you help, I will let you know how it goes.

Posted: November 14th, 2006, 11:38 am
by Tunes67
When I replaced my alternator on my RS.. I just removed the charcoal canister and fed it out through the top. Wasnt easy by any means.. but we got it out and back in that way. Took two of us though.. one below and one above.. (might have been easier, in retrospect, if I had removed my strut tower bar as well :oops: )


Posted: November 29th, 2006, 8:14 pm
by boniclyd
Hey guys I finally replaced my alt. it wasn't fun but I got it
Thanks to you guys, Bumpsbro and Tunes

It is running pretty good. Thanks again and I hope I can help ya'll sometime to pay back the help.

Posted: November 30th, 2006, 3:52 am
by Bumpysbro
hey great to hear that, did you remove the cat? if so what did you do with the bolt? anytime thats what this place is for just glad to hear it.

Posted: November 30th, 2006, 12:25 pm
by Tunes67
Good to hear.. just make sure you have the proper amount of tension on the belt. Too much (or too tight) and you will destroy the bearings in the alternator.. Too loose and your belt will squeal and slip. Cheers


Posted: December 1st, 2006, 8:55 pm
by boniclyd
I borrowed the drimmel and it worked great to remove the cat.
Thanks again

It's been running good so far, so I think I got the tension correct.
I still have that small idle isse after it has been runing for a while but that was happening before this problem. It runs good, it is just aggravating
to hear it stumble at the light.