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a list of every speed trap in your state

Posted: August 29th, 2006, 2:49 am
by wagZE
my lawyer turned me on to this site, if only they teamed up with mapquest or a gps navi system now THAT"D BE COOL.

Posted: August 29th, 2006, 9:20 pm
by mitmaks
thanks for heads up

Posted: August 30th, 2006, 12:16 pm
by MechaManZero
The funny thing is i know all the speed traps listed. Sucks to live in the same town for years.

Posted: August 31st, 2006, 1:15 am
by Juans_93_MX3
I hate cops...

Posted: August 31st, 2006, 2:11 pm
by happyclown
Juans_93_MX3 wrote:I hate cops...
Juans gets pulled over for speeding. The officer asks Juans why he is going so fast.
He replies "I'm really late for work."
The cop asks Juans what he does.
He says"I'm and a--hole stretcher"
"A WHAT??" says the cop.
"I make this device that stretches a--holes out to about 6 feet"
Confused, the cop asks Juans "what the hell would you do with a 6 foot a--hole???"
Juans answers "Give it a radar gun and stick it on the side of the highway."


Posted: August 31st, 2006, 10:01 pm
by hgallegos915
HAHAH good one..

Posted: August 31st, 2006, 10:44 pm
by Vanished
1st Officer: "Guess who I pulled over in a traffic stop the other day?"
2nd Officer: "Who?"
1st Officer: "Janet Jackson!"
2nd Officer: "What she do, was she speeding?"
1st Officer: "Nah, she had one headlight out."
