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Canadian ppl =)

Posted: February 28th, 2006, 11:28 pm
by xXx_Spic
Hey all..well ive been interested in gettin a mx3 for like...3 years now lol...finally got my g2 and stuff..but i have a much u guys pay insurence for the car when u first got it?

Posted: February 28th, 2006, 11:34 pm
by Vanished
Ok well i probably can't help you out mcuh on this one because

A: Its under my dads name (he get liek 20% off) and he's old...likd 50.
B: I live in saskatchewan..nuff said

My insurrance was 600 (that includes registration) its a one time payment, and my deductable is 700..i'm getting a package policy soon tho, cuz my car will get wrecked/jacked/egged...I hear toronto sucks for insurance?

Posted: March 1st, 2006, 8:55 am
by Nd4SpdSe
I was 21 when I got my Mx-3. With a clean record, my G license, driving school discount and family discount, I was paying $216/month when I first got her.

When I turned 23, she dropped down to $150-something/month with the same conditions as above. Last year, she dropped a few bucks down to $147/month. I just turned 25 in February, I can't wait to see how much my insurance will be now :) Although I live and work in Mississauga, i still technically live with my parents, so I still get the family discount :) Oh, and none of my modifications are insured.

Posted: March 1st, 2006, 10:56 am
by babyblueMX3
when I bougth mine I was 17 and got insurance on both side, cost me 1700 a year.

Now it's like 500 a year :lol: on one side though

Posted: March 1st, 2006, 7:48 pm
by mymx.3
Vanished wrote:and he's old...likd 50
you better watch when you say the word "old" ...... LMAO .......... jschrauwen is 50 .............. :laugh: :laugh:


Posted: March 2nd, 2006, 11:53 pm
by Hoodzy
my first car was a 95 ford escort LX when i was 17 with drivers ed, i was paying about 220 a month.

i paid more for insurance because it was 2 doore instead of a 4 door
cuz u know that makes it more likely 'm gonna get into an accident


Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 1:05 pm
by Corso
as well my insurance is under my dads name and he gets 50% plus, but i beleive when i priced it for my licence, which is an "N" because im in BC it was about $2500/year or so.

Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 4:08 pm
by jschrauwen
mymx.3 wrote:
Vanished wrote:and he's old...likd 50
you better watch when you say the word "old" ...... LMAO .......... jschrauwen is 50 .............. :laugh: :laugh:
:shock: Ahemmmm...........
Supporting Member
Age: 51
Joined: 03 May 2004
Posts: 459
Location: Kingston Ontario

I pay now almost the same amount on the 92 GS as I pay for my 02 Protege - a little under$1,000 each per year. That's with over 20% discount and having over 20 years accident free. Time for you to get the phone book out and start getting some quotes before you finally decide - you may change your mind.

Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 5:04 pm
by Tunes67
There should be a law that regulates insurance companies. $220 a month for car insurance? Even with inflation.. thats rediculous.. $2600 a year for insurance is just retarded. You could buy another car with your insurance payments. Serious.. how bad is the penalty for getting caught without insurance up there? I mean if its just a $400-$600 ticket.. hell.. stuff $200 a month into a high yield savings account a month and just risk the ticket. Keep money saved just incase you do have an accident of course.. but man.. someone in canada needs to find a way to stick it back to the insurance companies. Granted I am in the states.. but I pay less than $650 a year for insurance on 3 cars!! And I am single, 38, no tickets or accidents.


Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 5:10 pm
by johnnyb
i paid 2400 a year for insurance up until last month when my insurance company dropped it down to 1300

Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 5:11 pm
by johnnyb
Tunes67 wrote:There should be a law that regulates insurance companies. $220 a month for car insurance? Even with inflation.. thats rediculous.. $2600 a year for insurance is just retarded. You could buy another car with your insurance payments. Serious.. how bad is the penalty for getting caught without insurance up there? I mean if its just a $400-$600 ticket.. hell.. stuff $200 a month into a high yield savings account a month and just risk the ticket. Keep money saved just incase you do have an accident of course.. but man.. someone in canada needs to find a way to stick it back to the insurance companies. Granted I am in the states.. but I pay less than $650 a year for insurance on 3 cars!! And I am single, 38, no tickets or accidents.

the problem is that insurance companies say males under the age of 25 as "high risk" so this is how they get away with it.

Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 5:22 pm
by Tunes67
Yeah but even John is paying out the nose for insurance even at 51. almost 2k a year for 2 cars? Granted he is probably running full coverage on both... But still.. at that price in 4 years he could buy both of his cars again for what he has spent on insurance.

We should all invent a time machine.. go back in time and find the person who invented insurance and cut his tongue out and hack his hands off before he can communicate the idea. Gruesome I admit.. but I dont think killing is ever a true resort unless its someone driving a minivan.. but thats another story ;)


Posted: March 3rd, 2006, 8:54 pm
by mymx.3
I just got my form to renew my insurance and it's under $800.

Yeah I know ... I'm a girl :wink:

They should charge girls under 25 the same ......... there are alot of aggressive women out there behind the wheel. :2thumbsup:


Posted: March 4th, 2006, 10:19 am
by Nd4SpdSe
You want bad, my friend has a Festiva and was paying $275/month for insurance on it. He hook it off the road last year cause he has a company car and was getting married, he hasn't put it on the road since, but will pending on job. From what I've heard his insurance should drop cause he's married. He's currently 24yrs old with only one speeding ticket

Posted: March 4th, 2006, 11:01 am
by Hoodzy
mymx.3 wrote:I just got my form to renew my insurance and it's under $800.

Yeah I know ... I'm a girl :wink:

They should charge girls under 25 the same ......... there are alot of aggressive women out there behind the wheel. :2thumbsup:

ahahah u mean bad!!!!! just a general statement all the girls i've driven with are absolutely horrible. going up a one way street, sideswiping speeding geeeze. the only reason they get out of tickets making them look like bad drivers are unzippin the shirt for the officers ahha