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No sparks, weird.

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 6:25 pm
by Barambambase

I was tightening one of the spark plugs that was kindda loose after changing a light bulb and checking oil and some other stupid maintenance stuff, so i start the engine to heat oil i was leaving for work, and engine fires perfect, im taking tools off engine bay, and one tool got hooked up with spark cable, and i pulled it out when engine running, engine stopped. And now i dont get spark on any cable.

I have removed spark cables before when engine running and nothing has happened. You guys have any idea what the prob could be??


Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 7:34 pm
by Tunes67
Sounds like you may have somehow fried the coil pack in the distributor.. or the ignitor module. Both items are located inside the distributor housing. You could buy another replacement distributor.. either new.. remanufactured (DO NOT GET IT AT AUTOZONE) or grab one from a junkyard or maybe someone here has one. Or...

You can do a search on the board here for the "HEI Conversion" This is highly recommended since the K8 Distributor has a history of weakness and malfunctions. Best of luck.


Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 7:47 pm
by Barambambase
thanks tunes, i was looking into the HEI modification on gro harlem website, if that doesnt fix it , then i guess a new distributor from a yunk yard.

I just found it weird, i have removed spark plugs wires in my first car the escort crossworth,dirt bike,my renault, even the mx3 before and nothing ever happend. thanks for your fast reply.

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 8:23 pm
by Tunes67
You could always pull codes before you start dropping cash on parts.. pretty easy to do.. use a paper clip and jump connections TEN and GND in your diagnostic box next to your firewall. Then get in and turn the key to the "Run" position.. do not try to start it. Count the flashes from your CEL (check engine light) Then you can look up what each code indicates as a problem. Worth checking anyway.. might be something else causing the issue. Cheers


Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 8:31 pm
by Geezer
Tunes67 wrote: use a paper clip and jump connections TEN and GND in your diagnostic box next to your firewall. Then get in and turn the key to the "Run" position.. do not try to start it.

Why don't you wanna try and start it?
With TEN and GROUND jumped.

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 8:50 pm
by Tunes67
Because then it wont throw the codes.. you can start and run the car in diagnostic mode.. but if you start it before it finishes throwing the codes via the CEL.. you wont know what the codes are ;)


Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 8:57 pm
by hgallegos915
hmm yeah dont EVER buy a new doisty..our distys are 100 % rebuilable unless they melt... like mine. Any abd disty can come back to life with a new hei and coil. :) and honestly i think it feels smoother. Dont forget to disable your stock ignitor before you try to start the car.

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 10:08 pm
by Barambambase
would this link be enough?
is gro harlems Do it yourself

tomorrow my friend is bringing a diagnosis computer, we'll see what happends. i will go after that see what the best option is. My luck ended, my dist had to die, as seen on forum, hehhehe.


Posted: February 5th, 2006, 2:33 pm
by Barambambase
I HAVE SPARK AGAIN, dont really know why, but its not enough spark, thats why its not cranking up. HEI modification should fix this right?