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"agressive driving" tape ...66 Charger 440

Posted: June 11th, 2005, 3:53 pm
by mitmaks
This is pretty interesting auction. ... :B:EF:US:1
you get to see cop's camera capturing 66 Charger driving ahead of him for few miles, then cop pulls guy over and cites him for "agressive driving" This is TRUE video of ******* cop showing how ignorant they are and how easy it is to be a target of "police foce" for no reason (Personall I think he didnt have any balls and was molested at young age and thats why he becam cop to "revenge" society esp people that drive nice cars).

Posted: June 11th, 2005, 6:12 pm
by Nallboy
Cops... don't you just LOVE the little porkers? :love:

Posted: June 14th, 2005, 3:10 am
by ertaisi
I've had my car searched 4 times now by police. Only once was warranted, when I was 20 and my case of beer was visible in back.

Heck, I thought I was going to get number five last Saturday night. Here's a rant for ya.

I was finishing up closing the restaraunt, and I noticed two police parked at the gas station across the street as I was shutting the lights off and checking that the doors were locked. I set the alarm, locked the front door behind me, and walked to my car.

Right as I look over my shoulder to grab my seatbelt, I see the cops tearing into the parking lot behind me. They stop behind me and tell me to get out of the car. I'm half confused and half WTF at this point, but I be a good little boy and do what they say.

He says I look suspicious outside this business late at night and I tell him I just finished closing this business and that I have worked here for over a year (and wanting to add that there's no way he doesn't recognize my vehicle, I see this cop drive by daily...but I don't). He, in an excellently assish manner asks me if we've ever met before, doesn't wait for a response before saying "No, I didn't think so." and says he'll have to confirm my employment. Hot damn, why must they try so hard to piss you off? I respond anyway, being as sickingly polite as I can manage, "Actually sir, I think you may have been one of the officers that reported when we got robbed awhile back." He doesn't say anything and gets in his truck while his partner watches me. It's freaking 2-3AM, so I'm thinking he's going to have fun getting hold of someone at this hour. I figured he'd use it as a reason to search me yet again, so I'm getting ready to be here for awhile.

Astonishingly, he apparently just ran a check on me and my plates because he wasn't in there but a few moments. He comes back and after making me unlock the store, disarm the security, and close it all back up he lets me go.

My first reaction was that I got off easy, isn't that screwed up? Heck, comparitively speaking, I guess I did. I then reminded myself that the whole shebang was bull. I don't really see how I could have been suspicious when approximately two minutes before making me get out of my car all the store's lights were on with the cops parked across the street. They were sitting there, not inside even, one of them pointed towards me when I went out the front door.

I guess I'm just a suspicious kinda guy.