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Posted: June 9th, 2005, 7:27 pm
by azazel95
Did a search but found nothing...

For anyone who doesn't know what this product is check out, advertises up to 35hp gain and something like 31% better mileage for US $69.99

My question is does anyone use this in their mx3? Reading about it it seems like a good buy but I would like to hear from anyone who actually uses it if you can really notice the hp and mileage gain and if so is it worth $70?

Posted: June 9th, 2005, 7:40 pm
by 92rsmx-3
thats a rip off of the tornado gas saver.
dont know if either work though

just looks like blocking the flow of air if you ask me.

Posted: June 9th, 2005, 8:05 pm
by FiReSTaRT
The effects of the turbonator:
1) Lightens your wallet by $69.99
2) Could have mildly adverse effects on your performance.
3) Makes you an object of ridicule if your buddies find out that you threw $70 of your hard-earned money on that piece of cr*p.
With that kinda cash you could rig up a cold air induction setup, buy a stainless steel muffler (i'm talking about the price ballpark) or take your girlfriend out for dinner.

Posted: June 9th, 2005, 9:26 pm
by azazel95
Ok won't waste my money then thanks.

Posted: June 9th, 2005, 11:02 pm
by freyguy_412
I've researched them a little bit, cause when I first saw them the idea of paying $2 per horse really seemed appealing.

A lot of them are made from a plastic like material, no stainless steel at all so I see a good potential for your intake sucking too much air past them and breaking a little fin, which I'm sure wouldn't be good for your throttle body or head.

They're designed to be wired to your TPS and only enguage at WOT. So unless your on the floor your just trying to get air to go past this stupid little fan.

I don't see any possible way that the 1-1.5 psi of boost they claim would make 35 horsepower on any car.

My idea is to spend the $70 on sticker horse power. Perhaps an APC banner across the front windshield? That way you get the power of a sticker mod plus it looks really freaking cool.

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 3:49 am
by reaper of souls
the idea works and is logical, spining air does reate a better air fuel mix but you can achive this same effect cheaper by buying a ractive tornado or hell any of thier sprial designed air filters or cut the cost in half that you would pay for that piece of crap and go buy your self a velocity stack

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 4:14 am
by Grants
"The Turbonatorâ„¢ is a non-moving vortex generator"

It seems like this thing doesn't actually have any moving parts, ie no fan spinning at all. Just creating a "vortex".

How about this?:

"Can I use more than one in my vehicle?

Yes, in Fuel Injection/E.F.I. vehicles, up to three Turbonator's have been installed by automotive enthusiasts that race their vehicles."

Does that mean 90 horses??? Gimme a break....

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 9:33 am
by Custommx3
Remake of the "Tornado"

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 10:22 am
by manowar821
It seems logical... Can anyone who isn't here to make fun of cheap crap engine products answer? I wanna know if this would actually do anything, spinning the air "sounds" like a neat idea. But I'm definately not paying that much for it.. :?:

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 3:08 pm
by reaper of souls
like i said go and get your self a ractive sprial cone air filter it works the excate same way also you can make one alot cheaper than buying it

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 6:07 pm
by Grants
manowar821 wrote:It seems logical... Can anyone who isn't here to make fun of cheap crap engine products answer? I wanna know if this would actually do anything, spinning the air "sounds" like a neat idea. But I'm definately not paying that much for it.. :?:
Of course it sounds like a neat idea - all scams do. Common sense even tells us that it does make sense - the sign of an even better scam.

I think an important thing to keep in mind is that if this really was a realistic mod, wouldn't at least one of the big manufacturers have them as standard? Even if their claims were only 25% true, the fuel efficiency increase alone would make them attractive. Even the government would make them compulsory under emissions regs.

But hey, if someone is willing to try one, I'm willing to throw in $10. Nothing like an actual test to prove something - then we can put it to bed forever or all go out and buy one (or 3).

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 6:59 pm
by azazel95
Grants wrote:
manowar821 wrote:It seems logical... Can anyone who isn't here to make fun of cheap crap engine products answer? I wanna know if this would actually do anything, spinning the air "sounds" like a neat idea. But I'm definately not paying that much for it.. :?:
Of course it sounds like a neat idea - all scams do. Common sense even tells us that it does make sense - the sign of an even better scam.

I think an important thing to keep in mind is that if this really was a realistic mod, wouldn't at least one of the big manufacturers have them as standard? Even if their claims were only 25% true, the fuel efficiency increase alone would make them attractive. Even the government would make them compulsory under emissions regs.

But hey, if someone is willing to try one, I'm willing to throw in $10. Nothing like an actual test to prove something - then we can put it to bed forever or all go out and buy one (or 3).
Well if the company holds the patent on the "Turbonator" and the "Tornado" then those companies would have to give permission to car manufacturers to use their product I would assume. I found the Tornado one which is cheaper and "original" but I'm still skeptic. The Tornado one only boasts about 4-10 hp gain but it seems to be mainly used for fuel economy.

The spiral cone sounds like a much better buy but hard to find?

Obviously both Tornado and Turbonator are meant mainly for fuel economy, so worth $50-$70 for it?

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 7:44 pm
by Grants
Well if the company holds the patent on the "Turbonator" and the "Tornado" then those companies would have to give permission to car manufacturers to use their product I would assume.
I'm sure engineers who can design modern motor vehicles are capable of designing the equivalent of a "Turbonator" without encroaching on patents.

But I'm still willing to chuck some cash in for someone to prove it. So come on - who else will put in 5 or $10?

Posted: June 10th, 2005, 7:49 pm
by Tunes67
Eh.. I already did the Acetone in the gas test.. I think I will pass on this one Grants ;)


Posted: June 10th, 2005, 8:39 pm
by Domnknpimp
i've never tried this or even thought about thinking about trying it.... i doubt it would give much of a boost in power... but i am 99.99 percent sure it will not increase gas milage. maybe i'm looking at it in the wrong perspective... but all fuel injection cars measure the air going in to the engine. the more air going in, the more gas it sends to the engine... does that make sense? ur ecu will do its best to keep the mixture of air to fuel at a stoich reading all the time. in fact, newer cars are made to increase their ability to run lean, which is what helps them increase gas milage.

this is just the same as a K&N air filter... it might actually give you a little more power.... but remember that power goes hand in hand with consumption.... the power doesn't come from the extra air u flow thru... but from the extra gas you are allowed to inject BECAUSE of the extra air. meaning that you really waste MORE gas.

the only way around this in a fuel injected vehicle... is if ur air flow meter is bad, where the air is not really even being read, and then you will give it more air so all the gas that its pouring in will actually have a use... even then u will probably waste the same gas... just more power and more efficient performance....

Where these things actually DO come in handy, and are effective is on carburated engines. Most of you know that carburated engines do not measure the air going in, and do not INJECT the fuel in perportionally..... they are tuned for best results, and often sacrifice high end fuel efficiency or low end fuel efficiency. in this case, the carburator will dump a certain ammount of fuel into the engine depending by the vacuum in the engine, and a dirty air filter WILL waste more gas because u are simply not burning it all because u dont have enough air in the engine.....

i hope thats enough information so that we never hear about these crappy things again... if u want better gas milage, all you have to do is ensure everything is working properly.... if ur ecu is reading the proper air its getting... and the injectors are able to displace the proper ammount of gas into the engine... u should have optimal milage... also, you will have to make sure ur ignition system is able to burn all of the gas u give it. want more efficiency? weight reduction in your vehicle and/or engine components will NOT directly increase ur efficiency, but will increase ur engines potential, so you wont have to press the gas as hard to go 60 miles an hour, which means you will use less air, and less gas
