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Posted: May 19th, 2005, 6:02 am
by Chiggles
WOW!!!! I have nothing bad to say about it at all. It was everything that I could have hoped for. It brought completion to the overall story and the timeline and everything come full circle. A few moments caught me off guard in the sense that it didn't seem like something Lucas would do, but that was the great part about it. Having the shock value that added to the depth of the episode just makes up for the last 2 so much.

With the group that I went to go see it with, some of us (including myself) even brought some of the replica light sabres that we own; they light up in an up and down motion with all the hums, crash sounds, etc. Man, as I drove away from the theatre, I held my sabre high with all it's glorious blue glow lighting up the night through my sunroof almost all the way home. It was great!!! Hahahaha!! Star wars 4ever!! My only regret to the evening was not having a camera on hand to take a shot of us at this milestone point in our lives.

It was a great night. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Posted: May 19th, 2005, 6:57 am
by V8KOMX3
Wow a grown man playing with a light saber.......jk I am a big star wars fan myself but unfortunatly I had to work tonight so I havn't got to see it yet. I am happy to hear that it is better than the last 2 cuz I have been waiting 20 years for this closure and it damn well better be worth it. :D

Posted: May 19th, 2005, 7:16 am
by lucky13
well, if that was all true I will be on the dark side :twisted:

Posted: May 19th, 2005, 8:19 am
by mymx.3
I love the very first one "STAR WARS" ... haven't seen the new one but ya the very first one was great .. didn't like Oby One(sp?) dying though.... :dunno:

Posted: May 19th, 2005, 10:20 am
by manowar821
dangit.. I have no money to see the movie OR to get a lightsaber.
I would've been at that midnight showing otherwise..

Sounds good though, I'm glad you're not dissapointed. Gives me hope for it!

Posted: May 19th, 2005, 10:50 am
by Tunes67
Is it just me or does George Lucas look like an Ewok? Havent seen #3 yet.. probably wont for a couple of months.. ;) Crowded movie theaters suck LOL


Posted: May 19th, 2005, 12:08 pm
by tw1st3d_cl0wn
Tunes67 wrote:Is it just me or does George Lucas look like an Ewok? Havent seen #3 yet.. probably wont for a couple of months.. ;) Crowded movie theaters suck LOL

Haha, I've always thought he looked like an Ewok. It's kind of creepy, I can't look at the guy for too long.

But Tunes, the crowded theatre doesn't bother me as much as the fans who are way too into it. Dressed up and stuff. Too weird for me.

Posted: May 19th, 2005, 1:22 pm
by Nallboy
Yeah, the geeks all dressed up and carrying fake light sabres & all... j/k
A bunch of friends went and saw it last night. I like the movies, but I'm not that into Star Wars. I've seen 'em all once, and I'll prob go see this one in a couple weeks.
The original trilogy created a standard for special effects of their time, but the new ones have one trump putting them above the originals: Natalie Portman - hot chick making movies AND a Harvard graduate :love:

Posted: May 20th, 2005, 4:35 am
by Chiggles
tw1st3d_cl0wn wrote:
Tunes67 wrote:Is it just me or does George Lucas look like an Ewok? Havent seen #3 yet.. probably wont for a couple of months.. ;) Crowded movie theaters suck LOL

Haha, I've always thought he looked like an Ewok. It's kind of creepy, I can't look at the guy for too long.

But Tunes, the crowded theatre doesn't bother me as much as the fans who are way too into it. Dressed up and stuff. Too weird for me.
Nothing weird about that at all. Adds more fun to the whole experience if you ask me. At another theatre last night in town different from the one I went to, a group of people came to the movie dressed as Storm Troopers complete with blaster rifles and full armor, head to toe. One guy I heard had a pretty sweet Imperial Guard costume as well. :pimp:

Me = WTB Brown/beige Jedi Robes :2thumbsup: :freak:

Posted: May 20th, 2005, 8:29 am
by tw1st3d_cl0wn


Posted: May 20th, 2005, 10:49 am
by Tunes67
LOL.. now that is a compromised situation ;)

The guys that dress up dont bother me that much.. I think its kind of a waste of cash though.. Though I guess I shouldnt talk, when I was much younger I bought an original Star Trek Engineers Shirt (the red one from the original series) Oddly enough.. as I was driving back from Champions Costume and Party Supply where I bought the shirt.. I heard on my stereo that Gene Roddenberry had passed away. This creeped me out just a bit since in the original Star Trek show.. the Red shirt guys always died LOL.. So I have never actually worn the shirt.

I just hate getting bad seats in the theater.. and inevitably.. there is always some tall dude in front of me or I end up in the front row and a crick in my neck for 2 weeks afterwards. ;) So I just wait till the hubbub dies down and then I can pick and choose where I want to sit :D


Posted: May 20th, 2005, 12:04 pm
by 93SOHC
I'm with Tunes on this one. Theres nothing I hate more than going to see a great new movie, paying my 9 bucks and then having to sit behind a 7 foot tall guy or 27 rowdy teenagers(no offense to the rowdy teenagers on this sie...). I am a cinema fanatic! I am very into movies, so I can't stand when i'm in a bad seat or uncomfortable in the theater. As much as i'm psyched to see this flick, i'm gonna have to wait atleast a month to truly enjoy it.

Tunes thats a creepy story. I have a funny star trek related story. I went to a horror movie con. last year and across the way there was a star trek con going on. As we were pulling into the parking lot we were stopped and detoured by a policemen through an alleyway because there was a minor traffic accident. as we turned around to get to the con. I looked towards the accident and whad'ya know? It was a car load of klingon's and a carload of Enterprize shipmates that collided! It was too funny, because they were all arguing in the middle of the street in downtown chicago...I swear it was staged, but everyone swears it was for real! :lol:

Posted: May 20th, 2005, 3:46 pm
by DavidOS
V8KOMX3 wrote:Wow a grown man playing with a light saber.......jk I am a big star wars fan myself but unfortunatly I had to work tonight so I havn't got to see it yet. I am happy to hear that it is better than the last 2 cuz I have been waiting 20 years for this closure and it damn well better be worth it. :D
there will never be closure .... ever!!!

Posted: May 21st, 2005, 12:31 am
by jschrauwen
I have pretty much the same perspective as 93sohc. I'll wait a few weeks until the novelty wears off and I'll be able to really enjoy the movie without all the extra added distractions. I like anything scifi, and Episode 5 will probably be my favorite. I'm a bigtime Star Trek junky. I'll watch any rerun any time. Kinda bumbed that they dropped the Enterprise series.

Posted: May 21st, 2005, 11:55 am
by tw1st3d_cl0wn
Well, last night I was invited to go see the movie, and I went. The theatre wasn't crowded, which surprised me. But out of the people who were there, alot of them had Darth Vader masks on and some people with light sabres. Was...interesting.

The movie itself though was good. I'm not a huge fan of the movies, just never really got into them. But I gotta say I really liked this one. But there's one thing I can't understand. Why does Yoda act like such a old fart when he can kick a-- like he did. He does all sorts of flips and really knows how to use a light sabre, yet walks with that cane! Verrry deceiving!!