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anyone ever shipped seats before?

Posted: April 14th, 2005, 2:51 pm
by ninjajim4
i was wondering whats the easiset and cheapest way to pack and send these suckers. passenger and driver front seats. they're pretty big!

any tips?

thanks, gang

Posted: April 14th, 2005, 3:08 pm
by ovendenk
i think your best bet is to fold them down and put them in a 69 position (best way i could describe it, sorry :oops: ) and head to future shop or somewhere where the sell refridgerators and steal a box. make it smaller if need be, but i think it'll still have to get sent as freight rather than as a mere package. good luck and i hope you got enough from buyer for shipping. :wink:

Posted: April 14th, 2005, 3:16 pm
by Tunes67
Throw em in the back of a truck and take them to the UPS store (or other shipping company) as is.. they should have a way to pack them for shipping.. The only set of seats I have ever seen delivered had a wedge of wood propped into the seams on the front and back to hold the seat in a upright position, then the seats were wrapped tight in plastic wrap, and then bolted to a pallet via the seat rails. Now these were new seats from a dealership that a friend was installing in his Mitsushitsi Eclipse. They were special ordered. Dunno if this is the least expensive way to ship seats.. but his seats came from Japan and arrived in perfect condition. Best of luck.


Posted: April 14th, 2005, 3:23 pm
by What
seperate the top from the bottom if you can. Ship the bottom halfs and top halfs together... it was the only way I could stay within postal shipping guidelines for dimensions.

Other than that, if its within the same state, or country perhaps greyhound would be your best bet for large parcels. I know fedex and such companies are awful on big items.

Posted: April 15th, 2005, 10:15 am
by ninjajim4
thanks for the tips, gentlemen. i think i will just drag them in and see what the shipping guys can do with it.

let ya guys kno how it goes, how much it costs....

Posted: April 15th, 2005, 12:33 pm
by JWMX3
ovendenk wrote:i think your best bet is to fold them down and put them in a 69 position (best way i could describe it, sorry :oops: ) and head to future shop or somewhere where the sell refridgerators and steal a box. make it smaller if need be, but i think it'll still have to get sent as freight rather than as a mere package. good luck and i hope you got enough from buyer for shipping. :wink:
lol..... put em in the 69 position and go steal a fridge box.... GENIOUS !
i know good advice when i hear it :2thumbsup:

Posted: April 15th, 2005, 6:47 pm
by 2fazed
You could ship them through DHL. Cheaper than UPS, and you don't need a box. You can put plastic wrap or leave them as-is. And there's Greyhound, there cheap too. Will depend if it exceeds the size limit.

Posted: April 19th, 2005, 10:41 am
by ninjajim4
2fazed called it. DHL, baby!!

ground shipped the two front seats, rear seat and rear panel off to MD. total weight was right around 100 lbs. shipping was 29 dollars!!

two door panels and quarter panels, weighing at 35 lbs, shipped to cali for 19 dollars. so out the door i was down 50 bucks, from about $370, so my interior went for about $320 profit.

that equates to a new leather interior for a net cost of about 130 dollars. yeehaw

FYI, even greyhound couldnt come close to touching DHL's rates (they're right across the st from each other in chi). and if you want door to door delivery, it's almost comparable to UPS.

oh, and as far as packing them, the DHL guy gave me a big roll of the plastic wrap stuff, so i just wrapped those seats up like crazy. shipped the items seperately as 3 packages, and still, 30 bucks altogether. plastic wrap was on the house.

good experience all around! props to 2fazed for a good call