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18's...can they fit...sure they can!

Posted: January 30th, 2005, 11:41 pm
by schuttie2002
Although I'm not a guy that desires more show then go, sometimes good deals are just to hard to pass up. A buddy of mine has 18's with 205/35 tires on them that hes getting rid of cheap. I wasn't sure they would fit and I looked at all the posts and most guys say they have no problem. i then decided I'd look around for a tire calculator, and came up with some interesting results that can clear the air for all the guys who want bigger rims. if you compare our stock rim and tire combo(on a gs) which is 205/55/15's to a 205/35/18, the 18's with that tire actually have a 0.23" smaller height, and a 0.72 " smaller circumference. I just thought that was pretty interesting, and has erased all of my doubts that the 18's will fit. they may make my brakes look tiny, and slow me down b/c they are a little heavier, they will look pretty good. Hope this clears the air for some other guys, and if you are interested in any other calculations you can use this site:
good luck and I hope this helps.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 12:11 am
by RizzeRocket
i have 18s on my gs:)

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 1:39 am
by jschrauwen
I always thought that 205 is 205 is 205, no matter how you slice it.

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 11:31 pm
by schuttie2002
205 would be the width i.e. having nothing to do with 18 " tall but with the 7 " wide