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my poor car got violated

Posted: January 11th, 2005, 11:02 am
by Zim_Zim
i just need to rant........ woke up at 8 this morning to my neighboor calling my telling me my driver's side window is smashed in and the cd player ripped out. i know i know i need an alarm which i will be buying before a new deck. blah blah blah i hate this crap. they didnt take the cd's hahaha i guess they hate breaks.

Posted: January 11th, 2005, 1:32 pm
by mazdaownz
that happened to me about a month ago, except when they did it to me they tore apart the whole console that was around my deck and heater. And they still did not get the deck.

Posted: January 11th, 2005, 2:15 pm
by mitmaks
damn that sucks, didn't you take out faceplate from cd player?

Posted: January 11th, 2005, 6:30 pm
by mazdubber
Man that sucks. Ever since i installed my alpine I take it off EVERY time I get out of the car. It's cheap piece of mind.

Posted: January 11th, 2005, 10:45 pm
by MarkMoore
hmmmmmmm sucketh to be thou... lucky for me i live in a VERY SAFE neighborhood where nothing like that would ever happen... but i'm still gonna install an alarm system i bought for when i have to park my car in the slums :)

Posted: January 12th, 2005, 12:14 am
by Flashpoint2
Mark, just a word of caution.. it can happen anywhere! Happened in my own driveway, and I lived in an excellent neighbourhood.

Posted: January 12th, 2005, 7:08 am
by MarkMoore
if any one tries anything, i'll open a can of whoop-tush... but, yea i know it can happen anywhere, but like i said, in the spring i'll be putting in my alarm system and won't have to worry about it

Posted: January 12th, 2005, 11:36 am
by hgallegos915
I ALWAYS ALWAYS take my decks face off, even if its a 2 year old pioneer mosfet (those got old quickly) but hey it costed me 150 dlls aa and my subs where 200 would hurt to get the stolen. I need an alarm badly, never leave my car out of my sight (always leave it next to my 2 rotweilers and under a car cover) anywho...what I do for now is I have an ugly orange bed cover on top of the box so it looks like if i have all these rags there and well my cars paint is chipping and I always taake the fface off, my deck comes off easy just a pull :( and I have no locks on my rims yet..Im just asking for it arent i? next paycheck i get an alarm no matter what. It can happen anywhere even at church.

Posted: January 13th, 2005, 4:52 pm
by MikeUK
That sucks, worst thing is not only have they taken your sounds, but you also have to go get a new window. Time off work etc.

I have a belting alarm, one of the best, and I still take the face off. Living in a good area isnt always a good thing, because the little buggers think you have a better system and try even harder to get it.

Posted: January 13th, 2005, 8:19 pm
by seneca
That sucks man. You know what though, even with alarms you won't always get the,m. ie. Last fall I was at a friends place in North Bay, unfortunantly I had to park on the road for the night. When I woke up and went out to my baby I noticed a double buzz from my 2-way when I disarmed the alarm. This usually means a break/shock sensor has went off. Upon inspection I found out that some IDIOT had backed into my drivers side door during the night. My alarm went off, but I was in the basement and didnt' hear the alarm. So that was a hit and run that I didn't know took place. The same could have happened with your stereo even if you did have an alarm, and I mean..I even forked over the cash for a Viper. I was Ticked but after it's happened.....what can you do?

Best of luck.


Posted: January 14th, 2005, 12:11 am
by Ricksmx3
Where i live i park my car about 15 feet from my front door and can see the whole parking lot even at night with a huge street light that lights the whole place up. And i am all the time looking out my windows even in the middle of the night. And just in case anyone does try something stupid i got a knife above my front door and a bat beside my bed. So if it does ever happen to me i will probly be going to jail for doing something really stupid on impulse and anger :evil: .

Posted: January 14th, 2005, 10:47 am
by Zim_Zim
no where is safe...that is my 2nd first was in my first car...hahaha a k-car. one night i didnt take my face plate off on my crappy k-car. figured i was in a rich suburban neighborhood at my friends..and it was a k-car. they still stole my deck.
i feel so stoopid though with my mx3 deck being taken..i coulda prevented that. i should have learned...but no where is safe ghettos or surburbia, even in the country, that one of the worst places. too many country kids roaming around with nothin to do.