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For the Earth Quake and Tsunami victims

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 12:52 am
by DavidOS
May god bless them and peace be with them and the families of the suffering and the passed. Very sad day to see those suffering people. :|

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 2:57 am
by Anonymous
Its terrible. God definately works in mysterious ways.

Do you guys believe in god?
I'm pretty sure that death is my number one fear. I really hope that there is an afterlife or heaven or whatever because if this is all there is then that would really suck.

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 4:06 am
by nope-mx3
Franko wrote:Its terrible. God definately works in mysterious ways.

Do you guys believe in god?
I'm pretty sure that death is my number one fear. I really hope that there is an afterlife or heaven or whatever because if this is all there is then that would really suck.
Myself, I can`t get myself to believe in God (or any other deity for that matter).

I do actually believe that we are not alone in the universe though.

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 4:13 am
by Anonymous
Ohh, we are definately not alone in the universe.. I mean for gods sake, It goes on for ever. INFINITY! Like, holy crap! I cant even wrap my head around it. IT GOES ON FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes.. Ok I have to stop thinking about that.... MX-3's MX-3's.. AHhh Im starting to feel better.

So you dont believe there is any devine spirit or anything? How about ghosts? Or a soul?

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 4:24 am
by bubbaflaat
Man I always feel bad for people who don't beleive in god.

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 4:37 am
by Anonymous
I hope there is a god. A friend of mines girlfriend completely dosen't believe in god or heaven or anything whatsoever. I ask her what she thinks happens after you die then and she is like "When you die you rot in the ground and thats it." How does she sleep at night thinking that way?
When you die something HAS to happen. You either go to heaven or some other place.. or you might be some kind of alien playing a virtural reality videogame and when you die you just wake up in a chair where you were only sitting for 10 minutes but it seemed like a lifetime. :)
If I had 3 wishes one of them would definately be to live forever.

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 4:58 am
by azn_kai
for me i dont wanna live forever man (in this world). i do believe in God and hope there is place for me up there.

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 4:42 pm
by 93SOHC
well as far as god goes im not positive yet. Ghost, I believe! I'm an ameture ghost hunter and i've seen some stuff that would make even the most skeptical people change there mind! I think it would be pretty far fetched to belive we are alone in the universe, as it is so vast. Back to the original topic my sympathy goes out to the victims of this terrible tragedy. If there is indeed one true god he certainly works in mysterious ways...

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 5:29 pm
by MX3-Freak
Seems I'm gonna be a loner in this topic. I'm sorry but it is implausible (in my view) that there is any supernatural diety. In that, I also don't believe in an "afterlife", ghosts, and I surely don't believe we have a soul. But hey, don't feel sorry for me...because from my view you spend your entire existence (remember I don't believe there is an afterlife) trying to achieve something that doesn't exist (again, in my view). Besides, what good would believing in him (or her? how do I know?) be anyhow?

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 9:43 pm
by Franko
Just so you know my old posts come up as a guest now because I was in the wrong account. So this is the real one now.

Anyways.. check this out.. Some things are kinda stupid but others are quite intresting.

Posted: December 30th, 2004, 12:32 am
by 93SOHC
franko, you should check out that lindsy lohan freestyle rap song on ebaums world, it is the funniest stuff i've seen in a while!

Posted: December 30th, 2004, 12:08 pm
by fry_81
lol lohan rap is hilarious

Posted: December 30th, 2004, 1:25 pm
by manowar821
lol, this one got away from itsself..

I just wanted to comment about the god question. I don't belive in any sort of higher power. But I have nothing againsed people who do. I however, don't understand why people say "I feel bad for people who don't belive in god." Its not like I am missing anything, I am perfectly content. I find my peace elsewhere.. I love life, and don't feel like worrying about anything "up there". You also don't need religion to have good morals, I am a good person without it. Is there anything wrong with that?

(btw, I'm not angry or anything, just felt like putting my 2 cents in.)

That tsunami sounded terrible. It would be so scary to live on a shoreline when that happens. I hope they find comfort and get the aid they need....

Posted: December 30th, 2004, 2:23 pm
by fry_81
i look at it this way. you only live once, enjoy it while it lasts, why waste your life worrying about a "greater power" and if you'll get into a heaven or hell when its all said and done.(im not trying to offend anyone, this is merely how i live my life)