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Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 2:30 pm
by Neutron
latley ive been told by people why im buyin a chicks car.. this sorta thing kinda eeps me.. its really annoying. you guys ever hear that? or ben told that?

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 2:50 pm
by papa roached
no, but i get "Its cute!" alot :D chicas dig the cute car

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 2:50 pm
by JWMX3
yah... a guy at work used to razz me when i first started workin there about driving a chick car :mad:

i don tthink he was serious though,,, just wanted to p!ss me off

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 4:44 pm
by Starry
My dad is convinced that it's a chick car, particularly red ones. But hey, maybe that's why I like it! :)

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 5:13 pm
by Trevor
Yah my buddy give me the gears about owning a "chicks Car" all the time! Personaly I think there jealous their car ain't as nice as mine ;)

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 5:19 pm
by Acamori
i had it called cute, but never a chicks car. personally, i think newer mustangs and older eclipses are much more chick cars then ours (yes i said mustang, get over it)

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 5:23 pm
by VampireSix
well, see what they drive.. if its a camry, then its a family car, if its an eclipse (look at the drivers of the ones you see in the road, they're mostly female), its a chicks car. If its a honda... well.. enough said.

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 6:06 pm
by fry_81
i agree with you about the mustangs being a girl car.

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 6:16 pm
by What
Maybe it's a calgarian thing. Pretty much everyone in my family, wife, and couple friends called it a chick car the first time they saw it. Miatas to me are chick cars as well, but you rarely ever see a chick in them. Ultimately, I don't even think twice about it when I drive it. I gave the car a girls name, and I know most people I know like the looks... good enough for me.

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 6:31 pm
by RaverChankoMX3
IMHO why people call it a chick's car is because they have no idea what the car is and think it is/looks like a mistu el'piss.

But who is really to blame? Yes, you're right--Girls. No one could call it a chick's car if "chicks" couldn't drive!
accident data from NHTSA show that 16-year-old girls are closing the gap between their accident rate and that of their male counterparts. According to the NHTSA, 16-year-old girls were involved in 175.19 motor vehicles crashes per 1,000 licensed drivers in 2000, an increase from 160.1 crashes in 1990. Meanwhile the crash rate for 16-year-old boys declined from 216.4 per 1,000 licensed drivers in 1990 to 210.3 in 2000. While the fatality rate for all teenage drivers (15 to 20 years old) fell 11 percent over the 10-year period between 1990 and 2000, the fatality rate for girls rose 4 percent over the same period.
End Women's Automobile suffrage

This post was made with the utmost hilariousity and not attended for actual social movement.

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 7:02 pm
by MX3-Freak
Originally posted by CHANKO:
This post was made with the utmost hilariousity and not attended for actual social movement.
hilariousity? :confused2:

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 8:11 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
I hear the girls car thing once in a while...

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 8:24 pm
by JWMX3
I gave the car a girls name,
what did you name it ?

Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 8:31 pm
by RaverChankoMX3
hilariousity (hi-lari-ous-ity) adv. the augmenting of class members of hilarious, at a higher rate of Vf=Vo+at^2


Re: Grls car grrrrr

Posted: October 26th, 2004, 8:31 pm
by CrazieMX3
Haha i find it funny how people say this car is a "chick's car". They say that because its a small lil car but i think they're jealous that our car turn more chicken heads more often than they do :eek: . Just my theory being a MX-3 owner and all...

<small>[ October 26, 2004, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: CrazieMX3 ]</small>