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Cut off problem

Posted: September 10th, 2004, 10:43 pm
by vAnDaL_Z3rO
ok...i own an automatic (yes yes, laugh all you want) anyways...i was driving yesturday, and i was stopped at a red light..all the sudden my car shakes a bit, and turns off on me...what the hell happend?..i pulled into an exxon...i put in oil...i dont think that was it...i pull out of the exxon..happens again..turns out when my car is stationary, the RPMs go down so low, the car shuts off. i have to put the car in Neutral and tap the gas a bit. somebody tell me what the hell is going on. thank you.

Re: Cut off problem

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 10:42 pm
by vAnDaL_Z3rO
thanks for all the replys...i found out what the problem was, the intake hose (accordian looking thing) had a hole in it. and thats what caused it to cut i have to pay $70 for a new one.

Re: Cut off problem

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 11:56 pm
by lakersfan1
Originally posted by vAnDaL_Z3rO: i have to pay $70 for a new one.
Why? There are probably a few of us on here that have one laying around. I should have one somewhere in pretty dang good condition if I clean my garage up. I'm sure someone would let thiers go for more like $20 instead of an outrageous $70.

Re: Cut off problem

Posted: September 12th, 2004, 6:13 am
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Originally posted by vAnDaL_Z3rO:
...i found out what the problem was, the intake hose (accordian looking thing) had a hole in it. and thats what caused it to cut i have to pay $70 for a new one.
Til ya get a new or used replacement intake hose, duct tape can give ya a decent seal over that crack for a temporary fix. Just be sure the outer hose surface is fairly clean before applying the tape and wrap the tape 360 degrees around a couple times or the tape will not hold the seal very well. It's easiest to do this quick-fix with the intake hose off the car.

Re: Cut off problem

Posted: September 12th, 2004, 11:09 am
by sevsev
the mx-3 I'm looking at buying had the same problem, taping up any holes/cracks solved it

Re: Cut off problem

Posted: September 21st, 2004, 11:13 am
by vAnDaL_Z3rO
Alright. problem fixed, here is my new intake.
<img src=" ... 305_30.jpg" alt=" - " />