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Launch of the New Saskatoon Division

Posted: October 5th, 2004, 11:30 pm
by wyldside
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to Tell Everyone that the new Saskatoon Division has just started. The Division's President is Calgary's former VP Justin Ollerich. New Member profiles from all around Saskatchewan will appear soon. :D

Re: Launch of the New Saskatoon Division

Posted: October 6th, 2004, 1:31 am
by RoundTop
Woohoo!!! next thing you know we will have manitoba in our grasp. and then... QUEBEC!!! because ontario isn't a real province, it is just an illusion in the mind of torontonians (j/k)

Re: Launch of the New Saskatoon Division

Posted: October 6th, 2004, 7:22 am
by wyldside
I think Saskatchewan would be where we draw the line since any further would be concidered "Central" or "Eastern" and no longer MX-"West". If we go any further West... we'd have to rename the club.

From what I've heard from Justin, a few people from out there would be interested in driving all the way to Vancouver for the Annual West Coast MX-3 meet. That's a lot of driving! I know I can handle driving Alberta and BC because the twisting roads and scenery keep me awake. But the Saskatchewan Flatlands would definitly get to me. Oh Well, I guess this means that there is going to be a much larger convoy heading West next year.

<small>[ October 06, 2004, 09:46 AM: Message edited by: WyldSide ]</small>

Re: Launch of the New Saskatoon Division

Posted: October 6th, 2004, 5:21 pm
by urbanized
The Saskatchewan "Flatlands" are actually quite nice if you do not mind looking at nothing for a few hours (maybe the occasional cow). And it really is only an extra day drive form here, so next summer we meet in calgary and then off to vancouver.....oh james i think for next year we should try and make it a little more spread out to enjoy our time out there even more, seemed like we were a bunch of truck drivers, no chance to really view the scenery..... anyways talk to you later,

Re: Launch of the New Saskatoon Division

Posted: October 6th, 2004, 6:11 pm
by wyldside
Yeah, we were a little rushed last time because everyone had to be back at work after the weekend. I'd rather stretch the trip out a bit so that we aren't rushing around. Kelowna was a nice stop but it would be nice to spend a whole day there to do stuff and relax.