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Need some advice/Info

Posted: August 23rd, 2004, 2:14 am
by jiggyman
Well im going to be buying myself and mx-3 as a first car, and im planning to do a KLZE swap right away.

I'm not exactly much of a car person, so i'm wondering is it a good idea to buy a stcck GS with a tonne of km's, like 250k plus at a cheap price, then swap the engine?

What im not sure about is what other parts am i going to have to be worrying about that will need replacing(not engine related since it'll be a pretty new engine), because the car itself will still have a tonne of kms on it.

One last question, if im planning on doing the klze swap, which year GS should i be attempting to get? is there one thats better than others?

Thanks alot for your help

Re: Need some advice/Info

Posted: August 25th, 2004, 6:01 pm
by jiggyman
can't someone just give a quick answer? i just wanna know if im gonna get screwed over if I buy a car with alot of kms and swap the engine. What other problems am i most likely gonna be seeing?

Re: Need some advice/Info

Posted: August 25th, 2004, 7:12 pm
by seneca
Here's a quick answer (and the same thing that I would re-do if I could)

Buy a GS with a perfect body. That's it! lol Who f-in cares about the engine, the worse the engin...the lower the cost. Just don't let the seller know that. Make them feel bad when really you don't care about that engine anyways. See...body work can be hella expensive. So find a decent body and you're set.


Re: Need some advice/Info

Posted: August 25th, 2004, 7:18 pm
by seneca
See, I paid $6200cad for mine about a year ago. The reason I paid so much? The GS engine which is what I wanted had only 80K on it, and the body/interior looked brand spankin' new! Now only if I had known then about engine swaps (I had not yet found this amazing site) I would have not made the purchase. You can get a car with high clicks/shot engine for dirt cheap. And believe me, that's what you want ;) Cause the swap wil cost a few bucks.


Re: Need some advice/Info

Posted: August 26th, 2004, 1:33 am
by jiggyman
ok cool, thats what I was thinking. But what I'm not sure of, is what other parts on the car are gonna need replacing soon? Assuming the body and engine are new/good condition. Since the car obviously will have a tonne of kms on it.

I don't exactly know my car anatomy, so I have no idea if everything will be all good once the engines swapped or not

thanks for your response