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your tint...

Posted: August 24th, 2004, 9:15 pm
by G-C
can people post pics of their tinting? i want to get an idea of how dark/what type i would want to do mine...

Re: your tint...

Posted: August 25th, 2004, 1:10 am
by seneca
Check mine out. I went to a Lumar pro and asked for the darkest possible (legally in ontario). I think (don't quote me) that the sides are 15% and the back is blacked out (limo tint). There's only one trick...if you ever get pulled over for any reason. Rool your windows down wayyy before the officer gets to the window. They'll inqure lesss ;)


Re: your tint...

Posted: August 25th, 2004, 11:33 am
by Nallboy
Yeah, the limit here in FL is 28%. I had my RS done in 14% (shh). Looks awesome.

And get this... I drive as a courier alot for work. I drive all over Jacksonville, a huge city with tons of cops, all the time and they have never had a problem with my tint. Then, as I'm driving on 301, way back in the boonies, two redneck cops pull me over for "speeding" (I was going EXACTLY the speed limit and they said I was doing 12 over!). I got a warning for that, but they gave me a $45 ticket for my tint. His words: "Son, since thar ain't no points fer this ticket, you can jest pay yer fine an' keep on drivin'." He didn't say anything about getting it replaced.
I figure that haveing this kick-butt tint on my car is worth a $45 ticket every 14 months.

Re: your tint...

Posted: August 25th, 2004, 11:34 am
by Nallboy
Originally posted by Nallboy:
Yeah, the limit here in FL is 28%. I had my RS done in 14% (shh). Looks awesome.

And get this... I drive as a courier alot for work. I drive all over Jacksonville, a huge city with tons of cops, all the time and they have never had a problem with my tint. Then, as I'm driving on 301, way back in the boonies, two redneck cops pull me over for "speeding" (I was going EXACTLY the speed limit and they said I was doing 12 over!). I got a warning for that, but they gave me a $45 ticket for my tint. His words: "Son, since thar ain't no points fer this ticket, you can jest pay yer fine an' keep on drivin'." He didn't say anything about getting it replaced.
I figure that having this kick-butt tint on my car is worth a $45 ticket every 14 months.

Re: your tint...

Posted: August 26th, 2004, 11:58 pm
by Spotted
Also, when you get pulled over at night with the dark tint, or it helps without tint also. Turn on your interior light too. The cops usually appreciate it and at the very least sometimes give you a lower ticket if any at all. I do work for a ticket attorney, this is what they recommended to me.


<small>[ August 26, 2004, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Spotted ]</small>

Re: your tint...

Posted: August 28th, 2004, 3:44 am
by mdavis
Forget about it if you get pulled over.. Officers always make you roll the windows up to check... And just for clarification, as far as I know any level of tinting is legal on the back window (and rear-side windows/quarter windows on sedans) in Canada and the US. But at least in CA ANY tinting is illegal in the front.. Donno about other states. I only have 35 in front and haven't had any problems... 10 in back. For anybody who doesn't know 5 is "limo" the darkest, 50 is very light. 10 is doable at night but forget about 5.. I know peeps with 20 on the sides and they all say that they often roll their windows down at night so they can see worth sh*t...

Re: your tint...

Posted: August 28th, 2004, 5:03 pm
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Originally posted by mdavis:
And just for clarification, as far as I know any level of tinting is legal on the back window (and rear-side windows/quarter windows on sedans) in Canada and the US.
Varies by state. For Maryland cars, 35% NET for sides & rear is the max allowed w/5" top strip allowed on front. Yet MD let's SUV rear windows be much darker. My friend with a Fla. car and 10% sides & rear tint was fine down there but she gets pulled over now in Virginia since registering her car there... Generally seems the sunnier and hotter the weather is in a state, the darker their rules letcha go. :shrug:

Re: your tint...

Posted: August 29th, 2004, 2:38 am
by BuGS
I got like 20.sumthing% cuz thats the legal in wasdhington i think. THats what the guy said. Also check out my cardomain site.

Re: your tint...

Posted: August 29th, 2004, 2:01 pm
by seneca
Actually i believe the main #1 reason cops want you to roll your windows down (other than to talk with you) is the fact that you could have a gun in their face. From the officers that I've talked to and my friends that are becoming cops have all expressed the saem answer. If you can't see in, that's a risk they're taking. Most of the time I don't respect cops for pulling me over for bs reasons (other than to look at the car :)


Re: your tint...

Posted: August 29th, 2004, 2:28 pm
by JWMX3
I have 5% limo on the back, and Illegal 20% on the sides.... have never had problems and when i got my one speeding ticket, the "roll it down before the cop walks up" trick worked for me :D

Re: your tint...

Posted: August 29th, 2004, 2:59 pm
by jumboplay
I have illegal 20% on my sides. I love it. It's been mentioned to me by a cop (he was family though, thank god) that it's quite illegal in Ontario. Never gotten in trouble because of it. I love tint because I love to stare at people while I drive, so I can look at them and not feel like an idiot. Whenever I drive another car, I feel useless. You get spoiled. 20% is a little too dark, though...on country roads you seriously can't see anything. In the city it's fine, I don't even notice. Maybe a little less tint would be nice. Most MX-3s have a black interior, so it makes the effect more dramatic. Best to check out examples of people you see in parking lots, etc. Better than any picture could ever show ya...

Re: your tint...

Posted: September 2nd, 2004, 7:58 pm
by cooper_9
i have 15% on my sides, and 5% on the back and sunscreen. havent had a problem with cops. the best thing about the tint is that i have a black car so it all blends together and looks like a solid black, especially at night.