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radio sux!!

Posted: September 19th, 2002, 1:11 am
by anjin1982
the anttena on my mx-3 is garbage i was wondering could a anttena like the newer vw's be possible? if so how!!!

Re: radio sux!!

Posted: September 19th, 2002, 10:02 am
by Sonicxtacy02
Its possible, i believe luc, vaughn, sean and Jeff have all done it. Someone (I believe luc or sean) has the instructions on his website. Go to <A HREF="," TARGET=_blank>,</A> click engine swap info. One of those sites in there has instructions on it

Re: radio sux!!

Posted: September 19th, 2002, 10:17 am
by Custommx3
it was Sean, but his website company is now a porn site. If you go there, you get porn not mx-3's.

Re: radio sux!!

Posted: September 19th, 2002, 12:13 pm
by monty73741
any radio place or body shop could probally do it......<P>jason<BR>mx-3 or porn.........<BR>decision descisions.......

Re: radio sux!!

Posted: September 19th, 2002, 11:50 pm
by anjin1982
any idea about a price?.....(by the way thanx on the info!)