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Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 2:28 am
by papa roached
Where were you 3 years ago when you found out the news of the WTC? I was going between 2nd and 3rd hour in my junior year in high school. Still a sad sad day very fresh in my mind.... :(

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 2:33 am
by mitmaks
i was working at Kmart

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 4:56 am
by thebox
i woke up and got right into my car and was going to work and for some stupid reason i turned on the radio (i never EVER listen to the radio) and was driving when it started slowly drifting into my conciousness what they were talking about... and i got to work and walked straight to the TC...and everyone there was kinda... well i'm sure you know. it was crazy.

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 7:49 am
by GregoryChristian
I was at work stripping a Lexus hood that was full of rock chips , and heard of this tragedy via radio

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 9:08 am
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
I was in a Verizon network operations center near Dulles Int'l Airport in Northen Virginia - maybe 15 miles from the Pentagon. CNN is always running on one of the big plasma wall monitors. When we heard/saw the news, time just... stopped for awhile. We expanded the CNN view to cover the entire 10' high wall of plasma screens and watched as the towers fell and Pentagon burned. You could've heard a pin drop in that room full of stunned tense emotional silence. Some ppl ran out in tears knowing their friends and family were working in the Pentagon that day.

In the late 90's I did some work building data networks for a couple of the large stocks and bonds trading houses in Manhattan including in the North Tower. Several dozen friends & colleagues perished that a.m. who were on the 101st - 105th floors... and all they had done wrong was show up for work that day... I can write this but still can't talk about it and keep composure... RIP guys... :crying:

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 12:18 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
I was getting ready to leave school, i didn't hear about it until a few hours later from a friend

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 12:29 pm
by babyblueMX3
Originally posted by Nd4SpdSe:
I was getting ready to leave school, i didn't hear about it until a few hours later from a friend
same here

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 2:19 pm
by Custommx3
I was @ work, listen gto the radio, so I ran and turned on the TV, and saw the other hit.

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 2:39 pm
by Ricksmx3
I just got done lifting weights and my football coach came in and said that it happened and i got to a t.v. just in time to see the second plane hit.

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 5:27 pm
by gueedo
I was in my AP computer science class my senior year of HS. It was the end of the period, and they always had video announcements at the end of it. They gave a few announcements, then mentioned what was going on in NY. I went to my 4th period calculus class and we were glued to CNN the whole time. Seeing the buildings collapse live on TV is an image that I don't think I will ever forget.

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 11th, 2004, 8:47 pm
by mx3man83
I was sleeping in my dorm room when my neighbor called us and told us what happened. Turned the tv on, that was that...

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 13th, 2004, 9:51 pm
by koreanmx-er
i can vividly remember exactly what i was doing and even what i said, i was in ap calc my junior year in high school it was first period and i walked in the classroom and the tv was on, we didnt really do anything the whole day but sit and watch the tv, through out out all 5 periods, its hard to believe it was 3 years ago, it just seemed like yesterday, and when i heard that the pentagon had been hit, thats when it really hit me that these events were no mistake and that we were under attack, the first thing i thought of was that it was the apocalypse and it was all downhill from there but i obviously it wasnt but it was a such a weird time for all of us that its almost still hard to belive that it really happened , after going to the towers to see the land where the 2 towers stood, it really hits you hard and its a very emotional place to this day, i urge all of you visit the site of the wtc

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 13th, 2004, 11:03 pm
I was in a insurance continuing education class hosted by Zurich, there must have been a hundred agents in the class. I noticed that alot of people were leaving the room and congregating in the hallway while the instructer was talking. I got up to see what was going on and found all of them crowded around a 24" tv that the hotel had wheeld out. I couldn't hear what was being said on the tv for all the quiet whispering. I though that we were watching a movie or something. After about 10 minutes of staring in disbelief I looked back and the whole class was crowded around the tiny tv. We left and went back to my office. I turned on the tv and we watched as the Pentagon and second tower were hit. After a few minutes of quiet sorrow I let everone go home.

PS anyone remember the news talking about possible terrorist attcks on major cities next. I employe all women, they all went and bought plastic to cover the windows to keep toxic gases out and boards to cover the windows for blasts. Terrorist attacks are designed to disrupt the way we live and make us fearful to carry on the way we allways have. Lets remeber that and never let our way of life be disturbed by a bunch of cowering fanatacists.

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 14th, 2004, 12:18 am
by atlantamx3
I was just getting out of a morning class and getting into my car to go to work.

I turned on the radio and they still werent sure what was going on.

I got to work a few minutes later & saw the news on TV & the radio.

The day was shot-- we all sat in the showroom all day & watched the events unfold. I remember listening to the radio in my office and wondering when the next one was going to be hijacked.

Pretty scary stuff-- like war of the worlds or something. I was really just waiting to hear that someone had fired a nuke at us.

Damn-- that really was scary.

Re: Where were you

Posted: September 21st, 2004, 4:39 am
by Gimpmonkey
I was sleeping, my sister woke me up and told me, I thought I was still dreaming. I was numb for the whole day after that. My neighbor had a daughter that lives in Manhattan, she saw the second plane hit the tower from the roof of her apartment. I still remember seeing the footage on TV and not hearing any planes for the next few days. I still am sad about this. :(