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should i sell it?

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 1:41 am
by TedLeeper
well i have a 95 mx3 i4 and am wondering, should i sell it? the car has been through hell more then enough times to make me nervous, i even put it in a burnout contest at the hs drags beacuse i missed time trials and got in line to late, fun but dumb. any way im shipping out in five months and need money for smokes and mardigras the thing is i could get a loan for insurance and mardigras but then wouldn't have money to make it fast for a while :( i like the car and hate to see it go but if anyone wants to let me know there opinions it would be appreciated to help make my decision, thanks <P>tedleeper

Re: should i sell it?

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 2:17 am
by Mastirmynd
When you say "ship out" do you mean like the Army or marines or something?

Re: should i sell it?

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 2:52 am
by TedLeeper
air force

Re: should i sell it?

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 9:18 pm
by Mastirmynd
Hmm, well man, i went Army, and im keeping my car, with those Gov't paychecks you can do some nice things to a car. Im also going to buy a Subaru Wrx, but still keep the mx to play with. I know recruiters suggest that you should sell your car, but how often are recruiters right about anything they say? And as far as money for smokes, the holidays are coming up, and you could get a seasonal job or something, they would work you all the time if you let them, and then you'd have pleanty left for spending. But thats just my opinion/ plan for the last few civilian months. [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: should i sell it?

Posted: October 3rd, 2002, 10:06 pm
by TedLeeper
yeah i didn't want to resort to getting a job but it looks like i might have to, i was thinking about selling my car then getting another mx3 when i had some money but that just wouldn't feel right. my friend is getting a wrx, great car, he showed me some stg2 pro kit and damn that looks cool. well thanks for the advise and good luck in the army and with the subaru, tedleeper

Re: should i sell it?

Posted: October 5th, 2002, 1:49 pm
by Mastirmynd
Thanks Man, good luck to you too.

Re: should i sell it?

Posted: October 9th, 2002, 7:58 pm
by anjin1982
i going to the navy and im still keeping my mx!! i ship out in feb 2003

Re: should i sell it?

Posted: October 11th, 2002, 5:48 pm
by mx3man83
Im going to the coast guard, and im keeping my mx-3. Sure it will sit around for 2 months while im in boot camp, but at least ill have something to look forward to when i get out!! I get to drive my car again!!! Woohoo!!!